Icetips Utilities build

I had really hoped to get this release out last week! As some of you know we are in the process of moving to Washington State and last week we had inspection and Thursday we got the contract for our house signed! We had a few things to fix and there isn't much time for us so I decided to get these things done. We all know what happens to the best plans of mice and men - they don't always work out;)

To cut a long story short, I finally got back to the Utilities this afternoon! I've been working on sorting out the install and creating a Build Automator project to do an automatic build.

One of the things I wanted to be able to do in the Build Automator project was to compile the help source into both the chm and pdf documents. This is easy to do with the Build Automator and I can now build both and set the build text variables in the Help and Manual project. I have also set the Build Automator project up to do a search and replace in all the source files once they are ready for deployment to put the build number in the souce. The demo apps will also include the same build number so now I can create a build and the version resources for all the deployed sources will always match!

Here is an example of a header from one of the class .clw files:

!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Icetips Utilities Source file
!! This file can not be distributed in any way by anyone except Icetips Creative, Inc.
!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When the text search and replace action is run on this it will replace the %%COPYRIGHT%% with "Copyright