Icetips Utilities 1.1.2316 available for download

We have made version 1.1.2316 of the Icetips Utilities available for download.

You can now view the documentation online to see what has been updated. You must have a valid Gold Subscription and be logged in to your Icetips Account in order to be able to download the new build. To download please go to our download page

If you purchase or renew your Gold Subscription before it expires you will also receive the free copy of our new Build Automator with a 1 year Maintenance Plan. Renewing the Gold Subscription is only $149!

This release includes all new work that we have added to the product, but it is mostly a documentation update. The Core class documentation is complete and we will keep working on the documentation until it's done. We include a separate demo for the Core class and we will continue with that trend, i.e. to include separate demos for each class as we document them. Demos and classes have been tested on a clean Clarion 6.3 9059 install and also with builds 9058 and 9053.

We are planning a new release next week with more documentation updates and more demos. We will be tackling the WindowsClass next which is the largest class. It is mostly documented and we have a good start for a demo app so we should not have a problem getting that done in the next few days - we have already started working on it:)

If you are using our Build Automator you might be interested in a new example that we have made available for download which is the script that we use to build the Icetips Utilities install. It shows how you can use the Build Automator features to completely control version information in your sources, apps, documentation and installs!

We are moving!
As you may know we are moving from San Antonio, Texas to Port Angeles, Washington. We already have a contract on our house and closing date is set on September 15. If nothing comes up to delay this we will be leaving on September 17. We will be about a week on the road and from September 15 to September 28 our office will be closed during that time. We will still have access to our email and be able to access the internet as we move along, but response time will be somewhat slower than normal.

Because of this we do not want to release anything new in the last week before we move so we will not be releasing any new builds between September 10 and September 30. If we need to fix something we may kick out a new fix build, but we will not introduce any new code. We will still keep working on the documentation and expect to do releases soon after we arrive.

Once we are settled we will keep working on the Utilities documentation and demo apps. We are also starting design of browser extensions that will replace the old Xplore templates and classes. If you have ideas, please let us know! You can post on our Ideas forum if you have any ideas for any of our products or ideas for new products.

Arnor Baldvinsson