We have moved in and we have got internet access. Today we are very busy unpacking the office and setting things up. It will probably take us a day or two to get everything back together so we can start working, but at least we are connected now:)

-- Arnor Baldvinsson

Well I didn't exactly get to write much while we were on our way! Our move to Port Angeles, Washington, went without a hitch. The 2600 mile (almost 4,200km) long drive was uneventful and we actually had pretty good time driving this long distance. It took us 5 days to drive from San Antonio to Port Angeles.

We did stop at the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico on the way and I took some photos there that came out pretty good and I will be posting them later on my photo website at www.itakefotos.com. I also took some photos in the Mojave desert that I hope will come out as a set of nice panoramas.

Today we signed a contract to rent a beautiful home between Port Angeles and Sequim (pronounced like "Squim"). It is about 2000 square feet (200 square meters) with an excellent room for an office. Unfortunately we will not get internet connection there until Tuesday, September 30, so we will be mostly out of contact from tonight (September 26) until the 30th. I will be posting some photos of our house as well on itakefotos.com once we are all set up:)

We start moving in tomorrow morning and I'm hoping to have the office all set up by Monday so we can get back to work next week. We will still have some unpacking to do, but everything went pretty organized on the truck so it will not be that difficult to get things unpacked and reorganized. This house is actually a little bigger than the house we had in San Antonio, so it will be fairly easy to make everything fit into it. We expected to have to downsize so we should be very comfortable in this new home:)

We are very much looking forward to get a new start here and be able to serve our customers the best we can:)

-- Arnor Baldvinsson

Our office will be closed from Monday, September 15 to Monday, September 29 2008 while we move from San Antonio, Texas to Port Angeles Washington.

We will try to be in internet connection on the way but that will only be in the mornings and evenings. I will try to help with any support issues that come up as much as I can. Our order processing will be open so you can still place orders, but anything that requires manual processing will only be processed in mornings and evenings. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

During the trip I will try to post a little bit on the blog to keep you all informed about what is happening and where we are:)

-- Arnor Baldvinsson