New Previewer Addition – Export to CSV

Today we released a new extension for our Icetips Previewer into alpha testing. This new extension allows you to easily add data export to comma separated files to your reports and the Previewer.

A new tab on the "Call Previewer" template has been added where you can select either fields from a file (or local variables) or controls on the report into a list of fields to be exported.
One additional parameter is required on the Previewer procedure and then you add a single button control template on the Previewer window and you are done! We have been developing and tested this with both ABC and Fomin Report Builder reports. This extension does require our Icetips Utilities as it makes use of our string class to construct and export the data. There are no limits to the amount of fields or records that can be added to the export. This is all fully dynamic and there are no limits to the amount of data placed into each field. Data fields and controls can be mixed in the field list and the template suggests the headers and format based on the information from the dictionary and/or the controls on the report.
We expect to release this new addition in 2-3 weeks once it has been through some more testing. If you are interested in beta testing this addition, please drop us an email.

-- Arnor Baldvinsson

2 thoughts on “New Previewer Addition – Export to CSV

  1. Nelson Andr

    Excuse my Englsih.
    I'd like to know if it will be possible to insert local fields to recieve expressions (formulas) like: LOC:Total = PROD:Qtde * PROD:Price.

    Thank you.

  2. Arnor

    Hi Nelson,

    Any value of a local variable will be placed into the export field. As it is right now, you don't have an expression but I can easily add that to the template! Excellent suggestion!

    Best regards,

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