PowerToolbar: How to refresh controls

Sometimes it is necessary to update and refresh controls on the toolbar. In order to do so you need to know the control IDs. You can find those in the templates (see the "ID" field in these screenshots) or you can open the source for the procedure in the embeditor (right click on procedure and select "Source" from the popup menu) and locate declaration of the toolbar class (search for "POToolbarClass"). The IDs will be declared rigth above it and the control IDs start in a number range of 10,000.

Here is an example on how to update couple of entry fields and a checkbox button:

 loc:query     = SEA:Terms
 MinAsk        = SEA:MinAsk
 MaxAsk        = SEA:MaxAsk
 Toolbar30.SetText    (ID30_SearchEntry, loc:Query)
 Toolbar30.SetText    (ID30_MnPrice,     MinAsk)
 Toolbar30.SetText    (ID30_MxPrice,     MaxAsk)
 Toolbar30.SetChecked (ID30_Haspic,      Sea:HasImage)

Note that in order to make sure that everything is updated correctly you need to use Refresh(True) rather than just Refresh()

Arnor Baldvinsson