Clarion 7: Change the editor font size

While exploring the Clarion 7 IDE I accidentally came across a neat way to change the font size in the editor. Hold the Control key down and scroll your mouse wheel! It will increase or decrease the font size in a nice smooth action. For old timers like myself this is a very nice way to be able to zoom in to a section of code that I need to take a really close look at!

This works in both the file editor and the embed editor in Clarion 7. You can also set the font size manually by going to "Tools | Options" and then select the "Text Editor" node in the tree on the left.

Arnor Baldvinsson

2 thoughts on “Clarion 7: Change the editor font size

  1. Charles Edmonds

    This is a useful editor feature and I use it often in NotePad++.

    However the Clarion IDE implementation of it is incomplete as there is no hot key to reset it to the default font size you have specified for your editor.

    There is also no pulldown menu access to the Zoom features.

    So once you zoom in or out - the editor font is messed up and the only way to reset it is to drill down to the settings menu in the program setup.

    In NotePad++ they have pulldown menu access to Zoom --> Zoom In, Zoom Out and Restore Default Zoom.

    You also have hotkeys to access these same functions with CTRL+Num +, CTRL+Num -, and CTRL+NUM /

    Being able to zoom in and out in the editor is a very useful feature (especially when searching for code in a large source file or embed).

    Too bad that (in typical fashion) the Clarion 7 implementation of it is half done.


  2. Arnor

    Hi Charles,

    Yes, this is similar as in other editors, and yes, there does not seem to be hotkeys for this. However, this is simply how it is implemented in the #Develop IDE.

    Personally I don't find it too difficult to simply zoom in/out using the mouse wheel until the fontsize is likable and just leave it at that:) I think the original font size is 11pt so if I really want to go to the exact original size I can always do that through the options menu.

    Best regards,

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