Version control getting closer!

After spending couple of days arranging over thirty thousand files into the new folder structure, I spent today going throug Build Automator scripts and editor projects to change paths from the old source paths to the new ones. Tedious, error prone and utterly boring but had to be done!

Tomorrow I will finally get to start setting up the version control.

I'm using the latest builds of Subversion and TortoiseSVN. Yesterday I got a suggestion about using VisualSVN Server as management program for the Subversion repositories. Installing VisualSVN will probably be the first thing I do tomorrow to see how it works and then move on to get the repositories set up. Then it's on to finish setting up the repositories (I have most of them set up already) and get this thing all working nice and smooth!

Once I have all of this up and running, I will do a series of blogs about how to set this up. I am NOT an expert on this and have been fortunate to have some people in the Clarion community help me out, most notably Rick Martin, who did a webinar on this very subject on June 5, 2009 at Clarion Live (View webinar) and another one on August 6, 2010 (View webinar) Rick gave me some good ideas on how to set up the folder structure and I'm very grateful for that!

Why do I need version control? Good question! Stay tuned for the answer:)

Arnor Baldvinsson