Sue has a new office!

We rented a new office for Sue today. We will be very busy over the weekend to set it up and get everything ready. The carpet needs to be cleaned and we need to paint the walls. We also need to get some furniture and move! I will keep using the office at home so we will have separate offices for the first time! She is picking up the keys tomorrow at noon and we are both very excited about her new office. To add to our excitement, Sue got the go-ahead on a new website contract this morning and I got an confirmation from a client today that he is going ahead with some updates to software that I have worked with him on and off for the past 10 years. So we are going to be very busy in the next couple of months!

I will most definitely still find time to work on my products and I will release an update to the Utilities again on Tuesday next week, September 21. I have been adding to the documentation and I might have the beginning of a new class ready for testing:)

I ran out of disk space on my computer the other day as I was setting up a new virtual machine. To cut a long story short, I had to get an external enclosure with eSATA connection for the drive as I had no more room in the box. I could not get it locally so I had to order it on-line. I hope it will get here before the weekend so I can move my virtual machines over to the new drive as soon as possible. This means that I have had to delay my .NET goal for another week and might have to skip it until the first week in October, but I will get there!!!

Arnor Baldvinsson