Slow recovery

The pneumonia wasn't quite done with me! Sunday, September 28, I went back down with fever and chest pain. Monday, September 27, I was not feeling any better and went to see the Nurse Practitioner again. She had got the reading from the chest x-ray that was done the week before and had consulted with a pulmonologist as there was a mass on the x-ray that they could not make out what was. As I have had bad pneumonia before and had smoked for a number of years, they both felt that a CT-scan of my chest was in order to make sure what this was.

Monday afternoon I went to the hospital in Port Angeles and had a CT-scan and that evening the NP called me and told me that this mass was infection that had moved up to the upper lobe and there was, fortunately, no sign of cancer or anything else. That was a relief but confirmed that my lung was very infected and I was still very sick. I got new medication immediately and last Thursday the fever finally broke.

More than a week later, I'm still like a rag doll and can barely sit up in front of the computer for more than half an hour or so at the time. I have lost close to 15 pounds, which is not all bad, but I'd rather not have to get deadly sick to do it;) I'm still not up to doing much work and probably won't until next week. Just trying to hang in there and get better:)

Arnor Baldvinsson