Give Clarion 7 a new look!

If you wander over to ClarionEdge you can find all kinds of cool things for Clarion. This is where Brahn Partridge posts his gold nuggets on how to improve the look and feel and functionality of Clarion! I haven't had a chance, personally, to explore much of his stuff as I just found this yesterday morning!!! But I most definitely will take a good look at this and will blog about my findings later on:)

Brahn has a new post about a theme addin for Clarion 7 that can give it a completely new look. Among other themes, it has themes for Office 2003, 2007 and Office 2010 look!

Another addin that Brahn is working on and looks like it will be very useful is an Editor Macros addin. Macros are something that is sorely missing in Clarion 7 and while Brahn says this is still very much work in progress, it will be interesting to follow up on this.

Brahn has other addins for the Clarion 7 IDE. If you are using Clarion 7, I suggest that you do yourself a favor and go check it out!

Arnor Baldvinsson