PowerToolbar 2.0.163 available

We have made PowerToolbar build 2.0.163 available for download at http://www.icetips.com/downloadfile.php?FileID=190 For detailed information about changes in this build, please see the version history in the on-line documentation.

You need to have a valid Gold subscription or a valid PowerToolbar Solo subscription and be logged into your Icetips account to be able to download the new install. To purchase a Gold Subscription please go to http://www.icetips.com/subscribe-gold.php and to renew, please go to http://www.icetips.com/renewsubscription.php

The main update in this build is support for menu theming in Clarion 8. Clarion 7 changed the way Clarion constructs the menus which completely broke the menu theming in PowerToolbar. Fixing this was a major undertaking which among other things required us to re-construct the standard Windows menu since Clarion creates it dynamically so PowerToolbar does not have access to the Window menu item information at runtime. This has been in testing for several months and everything appears to work.

Another change is that now there is an option on the Advanced tab to delay the initialization of the PowerToolbar class. This was required in Clarion 7/8 to fix a problem where both Clarion and PowerToolbar drew the menu bar, resulting in two menu bars being drawn! If you check the "Delay Initialization" the initialization is moved to the OpenWindow event handler. Note that this CAN cause GPFs IF you have embedded code accessing the PowerToolbar class that executes before the PowerToolbar Init method.

While not directly related to PowerToolbar, the PowerToolbar on-line help now has an option for you to like and comment on each topic using a Facebook plug-in. This allows you and other users to comment on each topic if you have questions or tips! I will be adding this option to the documentation for our other tools as well in upcoming releases and probably on Icetips pages in general, particularly the article pages.