New Utilities build on the way

I have been working on a new build of Icetips Utilities and trying to finish Build Automator for a new public release.

There are a few new enhancements to the Registry Class where I have added a method to enumerate key values. You specify the key in the registry and it will give you the names of all the values, what datatype it is and the data in it. It supports all datatypes in the Registry except binary, haven't finished that one yet.

I'm also adding documentation to the Registry class and once I'm done with that, it is time to release it.

When I wrote the WriteStringToFile method in the String class, I had added an "Append" parameter, but had never added the code! That is now done, so you can use this method to append a string to an existing file. This is perfect for all sorts of logging where you want it sent directly to the file without delay.

I have improved the Preserve Variable Data template by making the condition optionally on the read or the write or both. I have also added embeds after the read and before the write so the data can be easily manipulated if needed. The help on this template has also been completed.

More on this and Build Automator later.

I have been using every spare moment this spring to try to get some work done in the front yard of our house. It is a project for several years to clean it up and make look good after several years of neglect and little or no maintenance. But patches here and there are now cleaned up, flowers and berry bushes planted and a lot of general clean up done. I'll post some pictures later:)

Arnor Baldvinsson