
This last week I was taken down by something so common that we never even think about it: Hiccups! Yes, hiccups!

It started last Wednesday morning. I had just been prescribed new medication and within minutes of taking the first pill, it started. The hiccups that is. Oh, well, I've had hiccups before, or so I thought. So I went about my day, but the darn hiccups were relentless and forceful. Nothing I did made any difference. Thursday morning I went to seen my doctor who, thankfully for me, has a husband who has had this problem somewhat frequently so she knew just what to do. Unfortunately it wasn't as easy to find a pharmacy that had this hiccup drug and I didn't get one until Friday morning, at which point I had had constant, violent hiccups for 48 hours! Fortunately I was able to sleep as they would eventually disappear after I laid down.

I took the hiccup medication three times Friday and finally Saturday morning they were gone and haven't come back! But let me tell you that this is far from pleasant experience! Working was close to impossible because I made so many typing errors that I spent more time correcting than writing and the accuracy of the mouse movements left quite a bit to be desired<g> My whole upper body was sore like I had been hit by a truck;) Fortunately, it's gone now and no reason to expect it will come back:) And I can finally get on with my work.

Hoping for no more hiccups in my foreseeable future!

Arnor Baldvinsson