Tools for SQLite

SQLite databases came up on one of the newsgroups this week.  I have not used the SQLite driver in Clarion, so I don't have any experience with it - yet.

For many years I have used HeidiSQL with MySQL and MariaDB databases and it works great.  But it can only work with MySQL, MariaDB and MS-SQL.  So I wondered what tools there might be out there to use to browse and work with SQLite databases.  Both are open source and free and both work with Windows, MacOS and Linux.

I found two that looked interesting!

SQLite Database Browser

This program has been around since 2003 and the last release was in April of 2019 so it's being fairly actively developed.  It is available for Windows, MacOS, Linux (several variations) and FreeBSD.  This tool is primarily a database browser and based on the few screenshots I've found it looks a bit limited.

SQLite Studio

This program has also been around since 2007 and the last release was in July 2018.  This program looks like HeidiSQL and you can view data, enter your own queries etc.  It is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.

In my experience one of the most important tools when dealing with database is a good, solid interface to execute queries and statements.