www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 5/15/2016    

Code Template: Add Procedures To Queue

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This code template loads the names of all procedures in the application into a local queue. 


Template - Add Procedures To Queue - Template


This template allows you to specify which queue and field to fill with information.


QueueThe label of a queue which will be loaded with the procedure names.


FieldThe label of a field in the Queue which will receive the procedure name.


Free Queue...When this is checked, a FREE() is executed on the queue just before it is filled.  If this is not checked, the queue is not FREEd.  This is checked by default.


Only add procedures...When this is checked the template will add procedures with a window ONLY.  This will exclude source procedures and any other procedures that do not have a window.  Note that report procedures will be included if they also have a progress window.  This is checked by default.


The use of this template is demonstrated in the TestTemplate procedure in the UtilDemo.app.


See also:

Example app: TestTemplate




Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/addprocedurestoqueue.htm