www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 12/1/2010    

Global Extension Template: Icetips Export App and Dct

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This template exports the application and dictionary to TXA and TXD. 


NOTE:  There have been reports of some issues with TXAs and TXDs generated this way with templates in the past.  We strongly recommend that you DO NOT rely on those exported files as your only backup! The problems that have been reported are in the Clarion export system and it is not up to us to fix. 


However, those TXAs and TXDs can be very useful in order to restore, or look at, previous versions of embedded code and table/column information, which is all preserved. 



Export ApplicationCheck this to export the application to TXA. 


DestinationThe destination folder for the TXA.  Note that this folder MUST EXIST or the export will fail.


Export OptionsDetermines how to export the app.



Using date/time

When using this option a new .TXA is created every time you generate or compile the application.


Using date only

This option will only generate one TXA for the day.  It is then overwritten when you generate again.


Using appname only

When this option is used, there is only one TXA generated and overwritten with each generation.


When to exportBeta 3.3:  NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! 

       This is used to determine when you want to export the app. 



With every compile

This will generate the TXA every time you generate or compile the application


First compile today

This will generate the TXA only once, the first time you compile it on the current date.



Export DictionaryCheck this to export the dictionary to TXD.


DestinationThe destination folder for the TXD.  Note that this folder MUST EXIST or the export will fail.


Export OptionsDetermines how to export the dictionary.



Using date/time

When using this option a new .TXD is created every time you generate or compile the application.


Using date only

This option will only generate one TXD for the day.  It is then overwritten when you generate again.


Only when changed

When this option is used, the TXD is only generated when the dictionary changes.  NOTE:  If you use this the dictionary will NOT be exported until you change it.  We suggest that you use the "Using date only" option, then generate your application to create the first TXD.  Then change this back to "Only when changed" and then the TXD will be created every time the dictionary changes from now on.




Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/icetipsexportappanddct.htm