www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 5/15/2016    

Control Template: Icetips MS Window header

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This control template adds 4 controls at the top of the window, two string controls, one image control and one box control.  It lets you create a nice header on your window with some additional information and an icon/image as well. 




Set Resize StrategyThis lets you specify if you want to set the resize strategy for the controls.  Normally all should be checked, but if you don't want some of them to be resized, then uncheck them and they will stay put.



This is how it looks in the window designer.



And this is an example of how it looks like at runtime (screen shot from Build Automator Logfile window)




For an example, see the TestWindowsClass procedure in UtilDemo.app and UtilDemoC7.app.

Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/icetipsmswindowheader.htm