Version history

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Version 2018.10.175 [October 14, 2018]



November 17, 2015:


   Bullet ClassesEquates all moved to the .inc file.  Helps when deriving the Taskpanel class.



June 18, 2015:


   Bullet Template"Use XP Theme colors (requires PowerXP-Theme)" would get turned OFF causing the colors to go off kilter.  Fixed.



Version 2.0.163 February 24, 2015]



January 25, 2015:


   Bullet TemplateName for XPTheme global class would clash with XPTheme when used with PowerToolbar.  Fixed.


Version2.0.161 [December 8, 2014]



December 8, 2014:


   Bullet ClassesWrong icon was drawn for the right hand icon on header.  Fixed.


July 22, 2014:


   Bullet ClassesCall to PTP:ShowScrollbar caused "Calling function as procedure" warning.  Fixed.



Version 2.0.157 [July 3, 2014]



July 2, 2014:


   Bullet ClassesHorizontal scrollbar could show up at the bottom of Taskpanel controls in Clarion 9.1. build 11014 or newer.  Fixed.


Version 2.0.155 [January 29, 2014]



January 29, 2014

   Bullet Installer:Installer is now compatible with Clarion 9.1


   Bullet Installer:XPTheme files are now included in the Taskpanel Install.



January 10, 2014

   Bullet Classes:Using ULONG for SetColorGrp and FixColor would fail if Taskpanel used XPTheme.  Fixed.


   Bullet Classes:GetVisible would fail when called with a task ID.  Fixed.


   Bullet Classes:SetColorGrp and FixColor where using LONG for the color parameters and this caused the color to turn black.  Changed to ULONG.  Fixed.


   Bullet Templates:Updated export section to reflect changes in SetColorGrp and FixColor prototypes.


September 27, 2013

   Bullet Classes:Default Y position for header icons was set incorrectly causing overlap of the header and icon.  Fixed.


Version 2.0.148 [August 1, 2013]



June 6, 2013

   Bullet Install:Install built for Clarion 9.0 beta



June 3, 2013

   Bullet Classes        Added multiple methods to handle icons in headers.  Note that all size values are in pixels. 


               !! AB 2013-05-04:  Added properties for Header Icons.  Using Short rather than Byte, since some values can be negative

               HeaderHeight            Short


               !! Left side header icon

               HeaderLeftIconTMargin   Short

               HeaderLeftIconLMargin   Short

               HeaderLeftIconSize      Short

               HeaderRightIconTMargin  Short

               HeaderRightIconSize     Short


               !! Right side header icon

               HeaderRIconNameNormal   String(256)  !! Collapsed

               HeaderRIconNameExpand   String(256)  !! Expanded

               HeaderRIconNameHover    String(256)  !! Collapsed + hover

               HeaderRIconNameExpHover String(256)  !! Expanded + hover

               HeaderRIIconUseFont     Byte(0)  !! Set to True if the SetRightIconFont is called.  Defaults to 1.  Set to False if SetRightIcon is called

               HeaderRIconFontName     String(60)

               HeaderRIconFontSize     Byte

               HeaderRIFontColNormal   Long

               HeaderRIconColExpand    Long

               HeaderRIconColHover     Long


                                                                  !left icon top margin      left icon left m.   left icon size      right icon top m.   right icon size

               SetHeaderSizes          Procedure(<Short hHeight>, <Short hLITmargin>, <Short hLILMargin>, <Short hLIconSize>, <Short hRITMargin>, <Short hRIconSize>)

               SetheaderHeight         Procedure(Short hHeight)

               SetLeftIconMargins      Procedure(<Short hLITmargin>, <Short hLILMargin>)

               SetLeftIconSize         Procedure(Short hLIconSize)

               SetRightIcon            Procedure(String hIconName, String hIconNameExpanded, String hIconNameHovering, String hIconNameExpandedHovering, Short hIconSize)

               SetRightIconFont        Procedure(String hIconFontName, <Byte hIconFontSize>, <Long hIconFontCol>, <Long hIconFontColExp>, <Long hIconFontColHov>)

               SetRightIconSizes       Procedure(<Short hRITMargin>, <Short hRIconSize>)

               FormatIconPath          Procedure(String pIconName),String  !! AB 2013-05-07:  Modified


               Those methods are not yet documented. 



Version 2.0.145 [May 4, 2011]



May 4, 2011

   Bullet Install:Install built for Clarion 8.0.


December 7, 2010

   Bullet Install:Install built for Clarion 7.3.  Tested with Clarion 7.3.7852 and no problems were detected.


November 23, 2010

   Bullet Template:SetTaskMimicTip and GetTaskMimicTip were not included in the list of exports.  Fixed.


   Bullet Template:Some class method exports were not correctly formed.  Fixed. 


   Bullet Classes:Ampersands were not dealt with correctly in enabled and disabled items.  Fixed. 
Note:  Currently ampersands are shown exactly like they are except in mimic controls, where they are removed.  I.e. "Name & Address" will show up exactly like that.  "Name && Address" will show up as "Name && Address".



Version 2.0.137 [November 10, 2010]



November 11, 2010

   Bullet Class:When the SetVisible method is used on a headers and hid and unhide other headers, it could leave tooltip artifacts below the visible tasks from the previous visible header.  Fixed. 


November 10, 2010

   Bullet Class:When the SetVisible method is used on a headers and unhide other headers, it could leave the task tooltips out of sync.  Fixed. 



November 9, 2010

   Bullet Classes:Class source adapted to Icetips standard, i.e. two lines between methods and double line above and single line below method declaration for readability.



August 30, 2010

   Bullet Help:Typo corrected "Taskpanle" to "Taskpanel"



August 2, 2010

   Bullet Product:Name changed from XP-Taskpanel to just Taskpanel. 



July 27, 2010

   Bullet Template:Added option to Mimic Buttons option to mimic tooltips.  Defaults to true so tooltips are now automatically added to tasks that mimic buttons. 



July 21, 2010

   Bullet Class:Added ClearActiveWizardTask method.  Also added to export list in template.  This method clears the visual wizard settings from the active wizard task, returning the wizard to "normal" settings.  This includes removing font styles and active icon if it is specified. 



July 6, 2010

   Bullet Template:Legacy (Clarion chain) did not support %EnableRunTimeTranslator.  Fixed.



Version 2.0.135 [June 6, 2010]


February 7, 2010

   Bullet Template:XPTaskpanel template did not support runtime translation.  Fixed.



July 16, 2009

   Bullet Template:Added two new code templates to set the Header Text and the Task Text



June 12, 2009

  Bullet Classes:Added SetFontSize and GetFontSize methods to the class.  Also modified the SetFont method by adding an omittable size parameter.  This allows setting both the fontname and font size. 
   Bullet Template:Modified export list to reflect changes in classes.



Version 2.0.124 [May 13, 2009]


   Bullet ClassesWhen using XP Taskpanel along with XP-Themes, disabled task items were drawn in the same color as normal task items when the disable color was overridden.  Added option to override the XP Theme colors for disabled items, which will draw the disabled tasks in the specified color for disabled tasks.  Fixed.


Version 2.0.122 [April 15, 2009]


  Bullet ClassesDisabled task items were still drawn with a hotkey underline where an ampersand was in the text.  For example "Name & Address" would be drawn as "Name _Address".  Fixed.
   Bullet DocumentationThe SetHeaderIcon and SetItemIcon methods were using the wrong method name in the example code.  Fixed.



Version 2.0.112 [January 2, 2009]


  Bullet InstallThe xptaskpane.chm file was missing from the install.  Fixed.



Version 2.0.111 [December 29, 2008]


   Bullet All code and documentation modified from PowerOffice AS to Icetips Creative, Inc.

   Bullet Bug tracking set up at

   Bullet Added link to bug tracking to Global template

   Bullet Updated link to website to point to

   Bullet Added ITRun32.dll to install

   Bullet Version information added to global template

   Bullet Previous beta changes are all implemented in public release - see below:

   Bullet Added documentation for new methods, such as ContractAll, DeleteAllTasks, ExpandAll, GetHeaderTitle, SetHeaderFontWeight, SetHeaderTitle and SetTaskSpacing



1.6 BETA 9 - not released publicly before


   Bullet New: Support for Windows Theme colors (requires PowerXP-Theme)

   Bullet New methods: GetHeaderTitle, SetHeaderTitle

   Bullet Change: SetColorGrp prototype changed from ULONG to LONG to allow COLOR:None

   Bullet Fixed: GPF in reports

   Bullet Fixed: Listboxes doesn't refresh content

   Bullet Fixed: Bug in id-generator


1.6 BETA 8 - not released publicly before


   Bullet New methods: SetHeaderIcon, GetHeaderIcon

   Bullet Change: SetActiveWizardTask accepts 0,0 as argument to deselect current wizard task


1.6 BETA 7 - not released publicly before


   Bullet Added methods: Disable, Enable and IsDisabled

   Bullet Added: Separator option for tasks


1.6 BETA 6 - not released publicly before


   Bullet Fixed a bug that caused GPF in C55 build A-F

   Bullet Fixed a bug that could cause non-dropping DropLists

   Bullet Removed the 'no win' message


1.6 BETA 5 - not released publicly before


   Bullet New methods: DeleteAllTasks, SetHeaderFontWeight

   Bullet Template now shows header and task ID's in lists

   Bullet Option to turn off bold for headers


1.6 BETA 4 - not released publicly before


   Bullet Mimiced buttons wasn't unsubclassed when calling DeleteTask

   Bullet Added a call to Update just before calling embed-code


1.6 BETA 3 - not released publicly before


   Bullet Added flags to avoid WM_LBUTTONUP to fire when closing another window by double-clicking


1.6 BETA 2 - not released publicly before


   Bullet New method: SetTaskSpacing

   Bullet Added template prompt for task-spacing


1.6 BETA 1 - not released publicly before


   Bullet Added option to use icons to indicate selected wizard task

   Bullet New method: SetWizardStyle

   Bullet Added support for fallback colors when the desktop uses 256 or less colors

   Bullet New methods: SetFallbackColors, SetFallbackMode

   Bullet New method: SetDefaultTaskMargin

   Bullet Added support for right mouse button



Version 1.5 [August 10, 2004]


Bullet Added "Mimic Text" and changed "Don't mimic icon" to "Mimic Icon" for "Mimic Button"-action

Bullet Added "Reset to default colors" button

Bullet Added "Wizard mode"

Bullet Added Balloon-tooltip mode

Bullet Added Boxed-property for headers

Bullet Added new "Tooltip" argument to AddTask-protype

Bullet Added new task action: Set Field Value

Bullet Added new template prompt: Only allow one expanded header

Bullet Added optional argument to skip a header when calling ContractAll and ExpandAll

Bullet Added prefix to all API prototypes and some groups to avoid conflicts with other templates

Bullet Added support for non-linked icons

Bullet Added Tooltip support

Bullet Added word-wrapping for tasks

Bullet Changed the ID-generator to limit ID's to 127 characters

Bullet Changed one of the AddTask-prototypes to avoid confusing the compiler

Bullet Changed the window subclassing to use a safer way of storing class references

Bullet Fixed a bug causing scrollbar buttons to disappear when compiled in C6.1

Bullet Fixed a bug causing the cursor to disappear on Windows NT4

Bullet Fixed a bug in the template ID-generator

Bullet Fixed a bug that could cause a blank taskpanel

Bullet Fixed a bug that could cause bad filename for locally linked mimiced icons

Bullet Fixed bug causing the variable to be added to the project if iconname is variable

Bullet Fixed bug that could cause underlining of the last selected task when the mouse is moved off the control

Bullet Fixed bug with embed-points causing compile-time GPF

Bullet Fixed mousecursor flicker

Bullet Init code is moved into the new virtually derived Init-method

Bullet Moved header-text a few pixels to align with tasks

Bullet New embed: Before and After Init-code

Bullet New embed: Init->Before Parent Call

Bullet New embed: Before and after execute-action

Bullet New embed: Before and after task logic

Bullet New methods: GetTaskTitle, GetExpanded, GetVisible, GetDisabled

Bullet New methods: GetTaskIcon and SetTaskIcon

Bullet New methods: SetHeaderBoxed, GetHeaderBoxed

Bullet New methods: SetTaskMimicText, GetTaskMimicText, SetTaskMimicIcon, GetTaskMimicIcon

Bullet New methods: SetTaskTooltip, GetTaskTooltip, SetTaskUserData and GetTaskUserData

Bullet New methods: SetTooltipMaxWidth, GetTooltipMaxWidth, SetTooltipMode, GetTooltipMode

Bullet New methods: SetWizardMode, GetWizardMode, SetDisableWizard, GetDisableWizard, SetActiveWizardTask

Bullet New methods: SetWordWrap, GetWordWrap, SetHeaderWordWrap, GetHeaderWordWrap

Bullet Removed many unused equates

Bullet Removed the use of TransparentBlt as it has a memory-leak in Win95/98 which was causing problems

Bullet Reworked the template-GUI

Bullet Rewrote mouse-move and mouse-click handlers

Bullet Template generated class methods are now generated as DERIVED instead of VIRTUAL

Bullet When "Only one expanded header" is checked, all but the first expanded header will be contracted

Bullet When a task mimics a button, and no compiletime icon-name is available, PROP:Icon is used instead


Version 1.4 [April 28, 2004]


Bullet Added UNIQUE-check when generating ID's in the template

Bullet Added refreshing on a few more events

Bullet Added embed-point for header clicks

Bullet Added the IsExpanded member to the POTaskInfo-group

Bullet Added text justification options for tasks

Bullet Added BottomMargin setting

Bullet Added ExpandAll/ContractAll methods

Bullet Added "Select Tab" action for tasks

Bullet Added "Don't Generate Template Code" option

Bullet Added a optional "Thread" option to "Post Event"-action

Bullet Added dynamic headers and tasks

Bullet Added the possibillity to disable a task

Bullet Added the possibillity to draw a task with bold text

Bullet Added optional argument for SetColorGrp to set disabled text color

Bullet Added option to not mimic icon on "Mimic Button" action

Bullet Added a check to see if the mouse is over the control when scrolling with the mousewheel

Bullet Added SetTaskTitle method

Bullet Added option to set a header to be "always expanded"

Bullet Added Global template

Bullet Added template option for init-code priority

Bullet Added a dynamic linkloader-class

Bullet Changed to be sourcecode only (no more blackbox DLL's)

Bullet Changed the "Control" in the "Post Event"-action to be optional

Bullet Changed default font to MS Sans Serif

Bullet Changed the internal storage of a static class reference (removed the need fore some static data)

Bullet Removed the call to Kill() from the template (it's now called in the destructor)

Bullet Removed the multi-dll template (use the global template instead)

Bullet Removed some ABC-specific code in the template

Bullet Moved the code for expanding/contracting headers fromt the class to the template.

Bullet Fixed bug causing a glitch between the header and tasks, when the first task is hidden

Bullet Fixed issue with the taskpanel not showing when opening maximized MDI-children

Bullet Fixed issue with icons not in app-dir or Clarion6\images

Bullet Fixed issues with mimic-tasks when opening a form

Bullet Fixed issue with tasks not showing on window reopening


Version 1.3.1 [December 7, 2003]


Bullet Removed a memory leak in the C55 version



Version 1.3 [December 5, 2003]


Bullet Redesigned the ID-system

Bullet Improved icon-loading

Bullet Rewrote the Multi-DLL template

Bullet Added embed-point for each task

Bullet Added "Call a procedure"-action

Bullet Added "Post Event"-action

Bullet Added SetExpanded-method

Bullet Added SetAppName-method (for Multi-DLL apps)

Bullet Added support for STD-colors (eg. COLOR:BtnFace)

Bullet Removed "Execute Control"-action (use "Post Event" instead)

Bullet Fixed the "invalid ordinal" C55 bug.

Bullet Updated the documentation


Version 1.22 [December 3, 2003]


Bullet Moved some template generated code to avoid clashing with other templates

Bullet Fixed icon cache bug


Version 1.21 [December 15, 2003]


Bullet Added possibillity to set margins


Version 1.2 [November 11, 2003]


Bullet Fixed a bug with the embed-point (new ABC-classes could cause the embed-point to become Orphaned)

Bullet Transparency bug in Win98SE


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