` Installing broker in w2k (Selph John ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Installing broker in w2k
2000-04-20 -- Selph John
Well I've now been able to set this thing up on 2 W2k Advance Servers and I'm feeling rather proud of myself. My personal steps for installing all this: 1. add aliases as described in the doc. 2. set all of the alias directories in Internet Services Manager to Application Protection level Low, and set all Authentication Controls to Anonymous only. 3. Create a directory for your App in c:\cwicweb\exec\WebApp\ 4. Grant the Internet Services User (or anything that looks like it might be the Internet Service User) Full Control to the directory C:\cwicweb\. 5. Copy c:\c55\bin\*.dll, c:\c55\distrib\*.* and your actual program files to c:\cwicweb\exec\WebApp\ 6. Make sure the application broker is set right at http://localhost/cws/c5launch.dll/AppBroker/ for your server. 7. Run program at http://webhost/cws/c5launch.dll/WebApp/App.exe.0 That has worked for me twice now and I'm sticking with it.

Today is June 2, 2024, 8:31 am
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