Last week we went on a camping trip to the Klahowya campground, which is only about an hour drive from our home. This was our first camping trip so we didn't want to go too far from home.

The campground is on the banks of the Sol Duc river, which runs from the Olympic Mountains. The Sol Duc enters the Pacific at La Push on the West coast of the Olympic Peninsula.

The campsite we had was right on the river and had a lot of room. If you click on the photo above you will get a higher resolution photo from my photo website. We had no problem putting down two tents and park both cars. We had a nice fire pit and had no problem with the site, apart from some very pesky chipmunk that decided it would challenge John for a sandwich just after we got there. The chipmunk lost, predictably, but John also had some battle scars to show off as the chipmunk was not about to let go of the sandwich without a fight!

We brought both a small grill and cooking stove to cook on as we didn't really know how things would work out. On Tuesday night I grilled some Italian sausage and heated up baked beans. The grill performed very nicely and the chipmunks left us completely alone! I built a fire in the fire pit and we roasted some marshmallows over the fire and made s'mores.

On Wednesday, August 25, we started out by cooking breakfast. Scrambled eggs and breakfast sausage with fresh brewed tea and coffee went down well and was a good start for the day. Around 11 we went to the Sol Duc waterfalls. We left the Subaru at the Sol Duc hot-springs and took the Mazda up to the trail-head for the Sol Duc waterfalls. The plan was to walk up to the waterfalls and take the Lover's Lane trail on the other side of the river back down to the Sol Duc hot-springs. The trail up to the waterfalls is about 0.8 miles (1.3km) and is mostly uphill, but the trail is wide and easy.

There was not a lot of water in the river as the summer has been cool and dry, but the waterfalls are always beautiful to see. I didn't want to lug my tripod around for the walk so I used the rail on the bridge to brace the camera to take the photos of the waterfalls, not really expecting them to come out, but they came out ok. You can see more photos of the falls on my photo website

From the waterfalls we continued our trek. Instead of going back over the bridge, we headed on to the Lover's Lane trail, which is on the West banks of the Sol Duc river. It is a relatively easy trail, not many elevation changes, but the trail itself is rather treacherous because of roots and rocks. The trees are old growth and some of them are very, very tall! Large patches of ferns almost cover the trail in places and it is a bit of a wonderland to walk through this area.

We stopped on the way and had lunch sitting on a big tree trunk that was half way in the river. This trail is about 3 miles so the total distance we walked was around 4 miles. We were all glad that we made it through without falling over some of the roots and rocks. The weather was awesome, sunny and warm and the only negative thing were some bug bites as we had accidentally left the bug spray back at the camp site. When we got back to the campsite we built a fire and we roasted some hot-dogs for dinner and some marshmallows and s'mores followed.

Thursday morning was foggy and a bit nippy. I got up early, around 6am, and made a nice fire to keep everybody warm. At about 8am I made scrambled eggs again and fried up a whole package of bacon that warmed us up nicely. After breakfast we went on the Pioneer trail at the campsite. It takes you through some very tall, second growth, fir and hemlock forest. It is only about 0.3 miles (0.5 km) but it shows well the extremely tall forests of the Pacific Northwest. The rain forests of the Northwest contain some of the largest trees in the world. In fact, newly released research information that used NASA based satellite laser technology has found that the tallest forests in the world are right here where we live, in the Pacific Northwest! This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who walks through the rain forests on the West coast of the Olympic Peninsula.

When we came back from our walk on the Pioneer trail, we started packing things. As we were getting the bigger tent down it started drizzling just a little bit so we kicked into high gear to get everything broken down and packed. 5 minutes after we left the camp site it started raining. We needed to get gas for the Subaru so Sue, John and Laila went to Beaver to get gas and we decided to stop together at the Hungry Bear Cafe that is between Klahowya and Beaver. The food was ok, nothing to write home about, but the ice cream was very good! The restaurant was in dire need of some fixing up. The termites had already finished the windows and probably the rest of the wood in the building and long since moved on to something with a bit more sustenance.

All counted we feel that our first camping trip went pretty well. We are planning a second camping trip in September to the Cougar Rock campsite at Mt. Rainier. Since Laila starts school in two days this will have to be a weekend trip and we'll see how the troops do in a bit cooler climate!

Arnor Baldvinsson

I have my Clarion REDirection file set up so that all generated files are created into sub-folders from the application folder. This makes the application folder clean, as no generated files are created there. In my version control setup, I decided to exclude those folders so that I do not version control the generated files.

I don't see a reason for it since I'm version controlling the .app files. For this I need to set Tortoise to ignore the files. I do that via the properties on the project root, by using the svn:ignore property and set it to ignore all my folders, using both the upper and lower case variations! Works fine, but this only ignores the files and doesn't remove them from the repository.

After some digging around, I found that since TortoiseSVN does not have a full command line interface for SVN available, they have made an exe that you can use to execute certain SVN functions directly via the TortoiseSVN interface. This is documented in Appendix D of the TortoiseSVN documentation, which is about Automating TortoiseSVN.

To make things easier for me I created a bat file to do the removal of the folders from version control.

"c:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:remove /closeonend:1 /path:"z-backup"
"c:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:remove /closeonend:1 /path:"z-clw"
"c:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:remove /closeonend:1 /path:"z-inc"
"c:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:remove /closeonend:1 /path:"z-lib"
"c:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:remove /closeonend:1 /path:"z-obj32"
"c:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:remove /closeonend:1 /path:"z-source"

Note that the statements above will wrap. This takes care of removing the folders and then I commit and I'm back in business. I just move this RemoveSVN.bat file from one folder to the other when I need to use it and this makes it much quicker to go through this process when dealing with multiple folders.

There is an option to put multiple paths on the /path: parameter, like:

REM "c:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:remove /closeonend:1 /path:"z-backup*z-clw*z-inc*z-lib*z-obj32*z-source"

but I ran into problem with it where it would lock the folders, requiring to execute the "Cleanup" action on the folder to unlock it. I'm not sure why that happened, but it does not happen when dealing with the paths individually.

Version control actions are on my drawing board for Build Automator and my plan is to have it supporting at least TortoiseSVN/SVN before the end of 2010 and perhaps MS Team Foundation Server 2010. If you are using a different version control system and would like to see it supported by Build Automator please let me know:)

Arnor Baldvinsson

Version control systems have a reputation, at least in my mind, for being complicated, difficult to manage, difficult to implement, difficult to use, the list of difficulties goes on! So why on earth would I want to implement this stuff?

One of the most frustrating parts of development for me has always been the risk of breaking something, and spending hours rolling back and sometimes not be able to completely roll back. Then you have to restore from backup, and lose hours or even days of work - because at some junction in the development design I took the wrong turn for whatever reason (I'm sure I'm the only one who ever does that;). Then I find that I ended up on a dead end street going nowhere.

A well implemented and well functioning version control system can completely eliminate this risk. It will allow you to go digging into whatever blind alley of programming that you want, and make sure that you can come back to the real world without a scratch.

Many developers look at version control as being only for developer teams, where more than one developer is working on the same piece of program at the same time. While most good version control systems support exactly that, that is not their primary goal. Their primary goal is to make sure that you can, without risk, save your work and create copies of your work and roll back to any revision that you want, without losing anything. They enable you to pull out a two year old source file to check something, or pull out a whole system from last year, compile it and run it to see how your project looked a hundred builds back.

I currently have 20 products that I'm putting into version control (no, I didn't quite finish getting them all set up over the weekend). That is a total of 25,627 files in 2,599 folders! They include all the current Icetips products, some old products that I have not worked on for quite some time, and some new ones that are in development. I also have some in-house projects in there, too, that I work on from time to time and want to have the freedom to experiment on. With the safety net of version control, I am protected from myself. 😉

That is exactly what version control is about for me: Freedom to experiment without risk. Version control allows me to commit my project, create a branch and experiment on that branch. Note that Subversion/TortoiseSVN uses the term "commit" for saving the local files to the repository, which is the database with all the projects and all the revisions of the projects. Other version control systems also use the term "check in" about committing changes to the repository.

For example, I have been experimenting with some code for our OutlookBar. To do that, I make sure that my OutlookBar product folder is committed to the repository and then I right click on it and select "TortoiseSVN | Branch/Tag..." What this does is make a copy of my current project into a "branch". See the screen shot above.

I think a small tutorial on terminology is in order before I go any further. From the start you will hear references to Trunk, Branches and Tags. It took me a while to figure out what those things were and how they worked. Not necessarily because it was complicated, but just about every reference to those terms that I found did not explain them at all or did not explain if they are something that you create or the version control system should create for you.

The Trunk, Branches and Tags are simply folders inside the version control that make it easier to deal with versioning. If you are using Subversion/TortoiseSVN, it is up to you to create those folders in the root of the repository. See the screen shot above with the structures I have now set up for Build Automator. I have not created any Tags or Branches yet, so those folders are empty. When you create the repository, you should create those 3 folders.

The Trunk folder is where your current development version resides. This is what will become your next public release. This is where you copy files from to tags and branches.

The Branch folder is where you create branches of the trunk to work on without disturbing your trunk. This is where you create your experimental code, try things out, play like a pig in a pool of mud, do what ever you want to do without risking your precious code in the trunk! You simply copy your trunk there by using the "TortoiseSVN | Branch/Tag..." menu option. Use a descriptive name, like "Testing sub-classing in WindowsClass" for the branch.

The Tags folder is for your builds when they are done. Once you create a new build (hopefully using Build Automator and SetupBuilder:)) this is where you copy your trunk using the "TortoiseSVN | Branch/Tag..." menu option. Just like for the branches, you just pick the Tags folder instead of the Branches. As with the branches you should use a descriptive name for your tags, like "Build 1.2.1234, 2010-08-23" for a tag to give a good indication of what it is.

So in essence the tags are what you had, the trunk is what you have and the branches are what you will have! Actually pretty simple when you think about it! Once you have created the branch, you check it out to your working folder and work with it and commit to it. When you are done with your experiments, and if everything has gone well and you are satisfied that your new code is good, you can then merge your changes back to your trunk or basically copy the branch back to the trunk.

TortoiseSVN provides merge tools that can merge code for you and show you differences between files. It cannot merge binary files, so you cannot merge Clarion app files. To work with Clarion apps, you must work with TXA files and export them and import them to Clarion. For what I need, I'm not going that far at this time (I probably will sooner than later, though). For more information about how to deal with TXA and version control I strongly suggest you watch Rick Martin's webinars from Clarion Live. See my first blog about the version control for links to the webinars.

I will be away for most of this week and will resume my blog on Friday, August 27. Tomorrow I am going to Redmond for a .NET user group meeting where they will be demonstrating the new Microsoft LightSwitch - and the LightSwitch project manager will be there. Tuesday through Thursday the whole clan is going camping for the first time! For those of you who like photos and don't follow me on Facebook, please take a look at my online photos at I will post some photos there when I get back!

Arnor Baldvinsson

Success! I have version control successfully implemented and have set up two of my largest projects, Build Automator and a client project. I will spend the weekend setting up the rest of my products, which are simple compared to the compiled projects, and get more familiar with TortoiseSVN.

I ended up uninstalling the VisualSVN Server and I'm only using the SVN Server. I had originally decided to put my development environment into version control, but ended up deciding against it. I have been using two builds of Clarion 6.3, 9053 and 9058. The reason for 9053 was a bug in some of the SQL drivers in 9058 that caused it to crash if file structures with MEMO files where used. For that I used the ClaSwitch program from Lee White at Clarion add-ons. It is a fantastic program and made it possible for me to deal with this - before I was using .bat files to handle this! Ugh!!! The program, just like my bat files, renames folder to "Clarion6". In my case I had Clarion63-9053 and Clarion63-9058. ClaSwitch would then rename the selected one to Clarion6 and run Clarion. This combination, I found out was just too risky as you might easily check out the wrong version into the Clarion 6 folder and mess things up or check out 9053, later run ClaSwitch and switch to 9058 and commit and now your 9053 repository has got files from 9058 and you really have a real problem on your hands!

In fact, that was exactly what happened today, and I ended up corrupting my 9053 install beyond fix (I don't think it helped that I was up to past 4am this morning working on this and back at it less than 6 hours later;), so I just took the plunge and moved everything to 9058. I had removed memos from all SQL tables as I did not need them in the Clarion program at all. Everything is working now, with just 9058 and I can move on:)

I did discover one interesting thing today in regards to adding folders to the ignore list. What I discovered is that the list is case sensitive. For example, the folder names I use for generated files are z-clw, z-inc, z-obj32, z-lib etc, but sometimes Clarion 6 decides to create them as upper case, i.e. Z-CLW, Z-INC, Z-OBJ32 or Z-LIB. After experimenting with my client project and compiling it I realized that the Clarion IDE was now creating the folders using upper case and the .clw and .inc
files were being listed as un-versioned, when they should have been ignored. So I added Z-CLW and Z-INC to the list and the files disappeared from the list of un-versioned files!

Just adding files or folders to the ignore list is not enough. The files or folders also have to be deleted via the TortoiseSVN menus, see screenshot on the left. This removes them from the repository and once you commit the changes, the folders will be market as ignored. Note that Explorer does not always seem to update the icon overlays so the icons may indicate that the folders have been deleted and Explorer may even complain about them not existing if you select them and only them clean up after itself. There is a "Clean up" option on the menu which also refreshes the icon overlays.

So I'm happy with where I've got this, had hoped it wouldn't take this long, but I'm definitely getting there! I will spend the weekend setting up the rest of my product projects, all of which are considerably simpler than what I have set up so far, although some of them have a lot of test apps and projects that I do want to keep in there, but now I have a much better grip on how to ignore folders, etc.

Tomorrow I'm going to write up a bit about why I felt so compelled to dive into version control! Stay tuned and be good - I'm off to bed!

Arnor Baldvinsson

One of my Clarion collegues, Brahn Partridge, pointed out to me this morning that VisualSVN Server is supposed to be used instead of the SVN Server, which was probably why it was not working for me at all. For now, however, I am going to use the SVN Server and get things working with it.

So if you are planning to set up a server on a network, rather than just use a local filesystem if you are working on a single computer, then you should pick either SVN Server or VisualSVN Server. With the SVN Server you connect to the repository with svn:// but with the VisualSVN Server you connect to the repository with either http:// or https:// depending on how you set it up.

One of the issues I have with TortoiseSVN is that it does not give you a list of the available repositories. So you have to remember what they are called (i.e. the folders in the repository root folder) in order to connect to them. Bit of a pain, but should get easier as I (hopfully) learn the names I used;)

Arnor Baldvinsson

After 25 years of working with computers and programming I really should know that things rarely, if ever, take the time that looks reasonable! No such luck, I still haven't got it;)

I started the day by sleeping in! Figured I might as well give my brain some rest before digging deep into version control. It was nice, but in the end I'm not sure it helped much!;)

I decided to start by installing VisualSVN Server on the machine where I have the SVN server installed. It told me that it would install Apache, so I stopped it and made a copy of my Apache install and created a restore point in case it messed up my existing Apache install. Ran the install and it went through without any problems and I choose all the default settings. I was able to access my repository without any problems and everything looked very good.

I added a user, very originally called "Arnor" and life was good. That is until I ran TortoiseSVN and tried to create a folder in one of my repositories and got an error about not having access to do that. I checked the user authentication files that TortoiseSVN creates and realized that VisualSVN was not touching those files at all and whatever VisualSVN was doing, TortoiseSVN was completely ignoring. After some head scratching I found that VisualSVN was creating the user files in the root of the repository (see screenshot above) and they did not look like they even had the same format as the TortoiseSVN files in the "conf" folder under each repository, see screenshot below.

After some more head scratching I decided to just skip this user authentication stuff in VisualSVN and copy the authentication files (see screenshot on the right) from TortoiseSVN to all my repositories. Growing up with DOS and BATch files came in handy when copying those files into 16 other repositories!

This got me going so I could now connect properly to my repositories and start messing with TortoiseSVN. I've spent the rest of the day trying to come to grips with TortoiseSVN. One of the design questions is about files and folders that perhaps should be ignored. For example all generated files are placed into subfolders, such as z-clw, z-inc, z-obj32, z-lib etc. This makes it very easy to do a clean compile, just delete all files from those folders and compile! But the question is should they be excluded or not? I'm not 100% sure yet. There are certainly advantages in keeping the generated source files (.clw and .inc) in case of an emergency corruption or something like that. But on the other hand rebuilding an application from clw and inc files would be a heck of a lot of work - besides I do have backups of the original sources outside of the version control. So I'm leaning toward ignoring all generated files.

Setting up the ignore list in TortoiseSVN is confusing. You can set it via properties and use the svn:ignore and check the "Apply property recursively" but it doesn't seem to work recursively on folders or, more likely, I'm not finding the right combination of folder name/wildcards or the right syntax. It appears that forward slash should be used in paths in the ignore list rather than backslash, but it doesn't seem to make any difference for me. Files in those folders are still versioned. For now I will just use the manual method. It is painful and it is easy to miss folders of test apps, but so be it. I can't spend days on chasing down information on software that is not well documented to start with, although it has to be said that TortoiseSVN has better documentation than just about any other open source project I have tried - one reason why I shy away from open source projects.

So, all counted, I'm getting there but by no means done! I've given myself until Monday morning to get this set up and done. I'm really glad I'm messing with this on a virtual machine where I can't mess anything up:)

Monday afternoon I'm heading to Redmond for a .NET user group meeting where John Stallo, who is a Lead Program Manager on the Visual Studio LightSwitch product team, will talk about LightSwitch which is being released into first beta on Monday! I'm excited about this product and think it may be what I had hoped that Clarion.NET would be.

Arnor Baldvinsson

After spending couple of days arranging over thirty thousand files into the new folder structure, I spent today going throug Build Automator scripts and editor projects to change paths from the old source paths to the new ones. Tedious, error prone and utterly boring but had to be done!

Tomorrow I will finally get to start setting up the version control.

I'm using the latest builds of Subversion and TortoiseSVN. Yesterday I got a suggestion about using VisualSVN Server as management program for the Subversion repositories. Installing VisualSVN will probably be the first thing I do tomorrow to see how it works and then move on to get the repositories set up. Then it's on to finish setting up the repositories (I have most of them set up already) and get this thing all working nice and smooth!

Once I have all of this up and running, I will do a series of blogs about how to set this up. I am NOT an expert on this and have been fortunate to have some people in the Clarion community help me out, most notably Rick Martin, who did a webinar on this very subject on June 5, 2009 at Clarion Live (View webinar) and another one on August 6, 2010 (View webinar) Rick gave me some good ideas on how to set up the folder structure and I'm very grateful for that!

Why do I need version control? Good question! Stay tuned for the answer:)

Arnor Baldvinsson

Microsoft has just released the first beta build of Visual Studio LightSwitch to MSDN subscribers. You can find it at the MSDN download site under the "New Downloads" section and then under "Visual Studio 2010". The full DVD image download is 507MB.

For more information about LightSwitch visit the Microsoft LightSwitch page. Watch the keynote presentation where, Jason Zander, Corporate Vice President, Visual Studio, announces a new addition to the Visual Studio product line. There are also couple of other videos that go a bit further demonstrating the product, but they all deal with exactly the same scenario so they repeat a lot of stuff.

LightSwitch is a new developer tool that makes creating business applications easy. In many ways it is like Clarion for SilverLight. We are looking forward to taking a good look at this too during the beta cycle and I am downloading beta 1 as I write this!

Arnor Baldvinsson

Apparently my brain kept working on the redirection problem that I blogged about yesterday as when I woke up the morning I had a good clue what the problem was: Long path names. That turned out to be at least big part of the problem. However, it was not quite that simple, it never is! I didn't have time to do a complete research into the problem and nail down everything, but here is my findings and theories.

It appears that the compiler has issues finding files if the path to them includes pathnames that are more than 8 characters long. For example:


causes problems, but


does not cause a problem. But like I said, that is just part of it, as:


also caused problem. Either the problem is that there were other paths in the *.INC
line that use long path names (and there were) OR the compiler didn't grasp somehow that


is a short path name! I'm not sure which it is and didn't have time to figure it out.

Using a macro for any part of the path fixes the problem completely. For example, I created this macro:


and then used


and there was no problem at all. So using the macros somehow makes the IDE correctly interpret the path name and probably convert it to a short path and the compiler is happy. When I had cleaned everything up, I ended up with just two macros being defined in my C60EE.ini:


I also came to a final consensus on the folder structures I'm using, which seems to be working pretty well so far. The Dev folder has 3 folders now:

C:\Dev\Prod Products. Each product has its own subfolder so it can be easily added to version control. This way the entire product folder can be checked out and committed.
C:\Dev\Projects Non product projects. This folder contains client projects, in-house projects and anything that cannot be classified as a product, free or commercial.
C:\Dev\Source Other sources. This is basically a catch all folder for anything that doesn't directly belong in either of the above. Currently it holds templates and classes that I use in some of my own apps, but are neither a product or a project on their own, nor do they belong to a specific product or project.

With the structure in place I spent most of today copying and moving files from my old structure to the new one and test compiling various projects and products in both Clarion 6.3.9053 which I use for one client project, and Clarion 6.3.9058, which I use for pretty much everything else.

So tomorrow will be the day that I convert all my editor projects to work with the new folder structure as well as my Build Automator scripts. Then I will get this on to a virtual machine and test the structure with Subversion to make sure that it holds up for the version control!

Arnor Baldvinsson