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Future plans

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Build Automator™

The Gold release of the 2014 Edition will be available on September 17, 2014.  Included in our Maintenance Plan are all updates for one year    Registered users will receive emails when new releases are made available.  We will also post on our forum when we are ready with new releases.  The Build Automator™ can also check automatically for new updates every time it is started. 


Please let us know what actions you would like to see in the upcoming releases and we will review each suggestion. 


Some of the planned actions and additions for Build Automator include - in no specific order:


Set File Attributes
Set File date/time
Variable pad
Property pad
User Tools menu
Improved Drag and Drop support
Support for various version control systems
Upload files to FTP server.  Included in version 1.50.1210
Download files from FTP server.
Compare files in a FTP folder to a local folder.
Compile Help and Manual projects.
Send emails.
Logical structures - IF/ELSE/END.
Conditions for action execution (acts as a one action IF statement)  Included in version 1.30.100
Rename FilesIncluded in version 1.10.100.
Delete FilesIncluded in version 1.50.1210
Get version information from executable files.
Create AutoRun.inf/AutoPlay.inf files for CD/DVD distribution or USB drive configuration.
Create PAD files for software uploads.
Advanced Copy action with wildcard and overwrite options if date/time/size/attributes are different between source and destination.
Create FoldersIncluded in version 1.10.100.
Delete FoldersIncluded in version 1.50.1210
Zip/Unzip files/folders.
Generate XP/Vista/Server 2008 manifest filesIncluded in version 1.10.100.
Code sign executables. 
Check for code signing.
Show code signing information from executable files. 
Set variables action to assign values returned from various functions to variables.  Included in version 1.30.100
Add option to check/uncheck all in Project Item list and Action Item list on the Project Window.
Search locator on Variables selection window.  Included in 2014
User formatting of variables.
Copy/Paste variables from one project to another. 
Wait action in case some programs need specific time to shut down or time out.  Included in version 1.10.100.
Compile multiple Clarion apps.  Developer Edition only.  Included in version 1.30.100
Multi section/entry update of INI files.
Multi key/value update of registry.
Multi line write to logIncluded in version 1.10.100
Include projects.  When included projects change, those changes are reflected in the execution of the main script.  Developer Edition only.
Action templates - selection of actions saved to a template that can be added at any point.  Developer Edition only.
Network protection of scripts so that only one user can modify a script over a network but any user could execute it.  This also involves creating separate log files for each user.
Improved protection of scripts that are opened in more than one window, by more than once instance of the program, or by more than one user.
Scheduling of executing scripts. 
For Clarion developers: 
Register templates
Export application to .txa
Export dictionary to .txd
Execute utility template
Write one or more lines to a text files with overwrite/append option.  Included in version 1.10.100.
Execute associate files with options to OPEN, PRINT etc.  Included in version 1.10.100.
Write resource files for Visual Studio languages.  Set the version to a variable and use that to set the version in the resource.  (See Write text to fileIncluded in version 1.60.1252.
Write resource files for Clarion, supporting Clarion 6 and older, Clarion 7 and Clarion#.  Set the version to a variable and use that to set the version in the resource.  (See Write text to fileIncluded in version 1.60.1252.
Support for UNC paths for complete machine independence on networks.
Delete Registry keys


The list goes on...



Direct link to this page: http://www.buildautomator.com/onlinemanual/futureplans.htm