ExecuteAction |
Every class based on the POOutlookBarClass must implement this method.
Whenever a task is clicked, this method will be called, and you use this method to implement actions for your tasks.
ExecuteAction(Long HeaderID, Long TaskID, Long MouseBtn, Long Feq),VIRTUAL
HeaderID |
This is the uniqe ID of the header in which the clicked task resides. |
TaskID |
The ID of the task. This value is only unique within it's header |
MouseBtn |
Which mousebutten was used to activate the task (currently only MouseLeft is supported) |
Feq |
The "Field Equate Lable" of the control that should be executed. |
OutlookBar5 Class(POOutlookBarClass)
ExecuteAction Procedure(Long HeaderID, Long TaskID, Long MouseBtn, Long Feq),VIRTUAL
!! Handle Mouse-clicks on tasks
OutlookBar5.ExecuteAction Procedure(Long HeaderID, Long TaskID, Long MouseBtn, Long Feq)
If MouseBtn = MouseLeft
Case HeaderID
Of HID:XpOutlookBar
Select(?Sheet1, TaskID)
Post(EVENT:NewSelection, ?Sheet1)
Post(EVENT:Accepted, ?Sheet1)
Of HID:Demos
Select(?Sheet1, 2+TaskID)
Post(EVENT:NewSelection, ?Sheet1)
Post(EVENT:Accepted, ?Sheet1)
Of HID:HideUnhide
Message('You selected Task ' & TaskID,'Hide/Unhide Demo',ICON:Asterisk,'Ok',1)