Header Settings |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Title This is the text that will be shown on screen. If you would likt to use a variable, just prefix the variable name with '!' (without the quotes)
ID Each header need a unique identifier. This ID will be used by the template when generating embed-points. If you change the ID after inserting embedded code, this will become orphaned. A LONG-variable in the class will be generated. This LONG will be automatically set runtime, and can be used for calls to class-methods.
Visible Is this header initially visible upon window open
Enabled This header is clickable
Wizard Controls if wizard mode should be on (checked) or off. If the wizard is on, and a user clicks a task in this header, the task text will become bold (to indicate which task was last selected). |
Insert Add a new task to this header. This will open Task Settings.
Properties Change the properties of the selected task. This will open Task Settings.
Delete Delete the selected task
Icons alignment Controls how task-icons in this header will be aligned. Possible values are Default, Left, Right, Center.
Icon Name of the icon
Icon Size Size of the icon
Row Spacing Vertical spacing between each task