Embed points

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In this section you'll get an overview of the various embed-points generated by PowerToolbar.


All embeds are generated under "Local Objects -> Toolbar1". Toolbar1 will be the object name set in the template.


Toolbar embeds

Toolbar1 -> Init -> Before Init

This embed is executed just before the toolbar init code.


Toolbar1 -> Init -> After Init

This embed is the best place to add your own controls by hand code (if you need to do that).


Toolbar1 -> Action -> Before Action

Code in this embed is executed when controls action is about to execute


Toolbar1 -> Action -> After Action

Code in this embed is executed after controls action has been executed



Toolbar Control embeds

For each control an embed will be generated based on the ID of the control. For instance, if the ID of the control is ID_BUTTON1 the following embed will be generated:


Toolbar1 -> Controls -> ID_BUTTON1 -> Accepted

This embed is executed whenever a control has been clicked or when an item has been selected from a DropEntry or DropButton. This embed will also be called when text in a Entry control has changed (and been accepted by focus-change or enter/tab key).


Toolbar1 -> Controls -> ID_BUTTON1 -> NewSelection

This embed is only generated for DropEntries and Entry controls. Executed whenever the user inputs characters into a DropEntry or Entry control.



Drop Item embeds

For each item of a DropCombo or DropButton, an embed is executed just before the item action:


Toolbar1 -> Controls -> ID_DROPCOMBO1 -> Item1 -> Accepted



Toolbar color embed

When color style is set to "Gray" or "Widbey" an embed for colors is generated. In this embed you can override each color.


Toolbar1 -> GetColor -> Before generated code



Direct link to this page on our website: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/powertoolbar/embedpoints.htm