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The core class includes methods that can be used by other classes, basic methods that perform low level functions. It contains basic search method, file splitting functions, path functions and such. Any absolute core functions that we figure we may need will be added to the core class.
Please check out the short tutorial at the end of this chapter.
ITCoreClass Class,TYPE,Module('ITCoreClass.clw'),Link('ITCoreClass',_ITUtilLinkMode_),DLL(_ITUtilDllMode_)
DebugLevel Byte
EXEName CString(1025)
FileParts Group(FNS_Parts)
ProgPath CString(10241)
ProgramCommandLine CString(10241)
ProgramDebugOn Byte
UserName CString(256)
XPThemesPresent Byte
LastAPIError String(255)
LastAPIErrorCode Long
ReplaceString &String,PRIVATE
UrlStr &CString
AllocateSearchString Procedure(Long pSize)
AllocateURLString Procedure(Long pSize)
ByteToHex Procedure(Byte pByte),String
CountFinds Procedure(String pFind, String pReplace, String pSearchS),Long
CreateGUID Procedure(Byte pAddBraces=1),STRING
FindReplace Procedure(String pFind, String pReplace, String pSearchS, <*LONG pNewLen>),String
FixPath Procedure(*CString pPath),String
FixPath Procedure(String pPath),String
GetComputerName Procedure(),String,PROC ! Returns the name of the computer. Puts it into the ComputerName property
GetFileAttrib Procedure(*CString pFile, <*Byte pReadOnly>, <*Byte pHidden>, <*Byte pSystem>),Long,PROC
GetFileAttrib Procedure(String pFile, <*Byte pReadOnly>, <*Byte pHidden>, <*Byte pSystem>),Long,PROC
GetFilePart Procedure(String pFilename,Byte pPart),String
GetLastAPIError Procedure(<*Long pErrorCode>),String
GetLastAPIErrorCode Procedure(),Long
GetTempFilename Procedure(<String pPath>,<String pPrefix>),String
GetTempFolder Procedure(),String
GetFilePart Procedure(String pFilename,Byte pPart),String
GetUserName Procedure(),String
GetXMLDateTime PROCEDURE (ANY pDate, ANY pTime, <STRING pTimeZone>),STRING
IsFileInUse Procedure(*CString pFile),Byte
IsFileInUse Procedure(String pFile),Byte
IsFolder Procedure(*CString pPath),Byte
IsFolder Procedure(String pPath),Byte
LongToHex Procedure(Long pLong),String
MatchControlSize PROCEDURE (LONG pSourceControl, LONG pDestinationControl, BYTE pMatchPosition = FALSE)
ODS Procedure(String pS, Short pLevel=0),VIRTUAL
ODSD Procedure(String pS)
PTD Procedure(String pS, Byte pHideDebug=False),VIRTUAL
RemoveBackSlash Procedure(String pPathOrFile, Byte pTrailing),String
RemoveForwardSlash Procedure(String pPathOrFile, Byte pTrailing)!!,String
SetFileAttrib Procedure(*CString pFile, <Byte pReadOnly>, <Byte pHidden>, <Byte pSystem>, <Long pAdditionalAttrib>)
SetFileAttrib Procedure(String pFile, <Byte pReadOnly>, <Byte pHidden>, <Byte pSystem>, <Long pAdditionalAttrib>)
SearchReplace Procedure(String pFind, String pReplace, *CString pSearchS),Long,PROC
SearchReplace Procedure(String pFind, String pReplace, *String pSearchS),Long,PROC
SplitFileParts Procedure(String pFileName)
UnixToWindowsPath Procedure(String pUnixPath),String
UrlEncode Procedure(String pURL),String
UrlDecode Procedure(String pURL),String
WindowsToUnixPath Procedure(String pWindowsPath),String
Construct Procedure
Destruct Procedure