www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 10/25/2009    

Shell Class:  CreateFolder

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Prototype: (String pDirectory),Long,PROC


pDirectoryDirectory path to create


ReturnsReturns the return value for SHCreateDirectoryEx, see link to MSDN below.  If the method succeeds it will return IT_ERROR_SUCCESS


This method can be used to create a single multi-level directory structure.  If one or more path is not found it is created.  Note that this method simply calls CreateDirectory.



ITS  ITShellClass


Loc:FolderToCreate = 'c:\test\test\test'



This will create the directory levels needed to construct this path.


See also:



Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/createfolder_shellclass.htm