www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 5/9/2015    

Windows Class: GetScreenDPI

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Prototype: (),Long


ReturnsReturns the value from GetDeviceCaps for LOGPIXELSX on the desktop window.


This method uses the GetDeviceCaps api to determine the number of pixels per logical inch along the screen width.  This can be used to determine the size of a control in inches or other units as seen on the screen.  For example if the DPI is 96 then a control that is 96 pixels wide should be exactly 1 inch wide or 25.4mm.




ITW  ITWindowsClass


Message('Screen DPI: ' & ITW.GetScreenDPI())


See also:






Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/getscreendpi_window.htm