www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 3/30/2014    

Registry Class Overview

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The Registry class has several very useful methods to deal with Windows Registry.  Note that the some of the methods can be forces to access 32 or 64 bit keys on 64 bit systems for keys that reside in the Wow6432Node and in the 64 bit area.  Essentially it allows you to access the 32 or 64bit values independently of the WoW64 subsystem and without redirection by the WoW64. 



ITRegistryClass          CLASS(ITUtilityClass),TYPE,Module('ITRegistryClass.clw'),Link('ITRegistryClass.clw',_ITUtilLinkMode_),DLL(_ITUtilDllMode_)

KeyValues                  &tRegValQueue

RegistryKeys               &tRegQueue

KeyHandle                  IT_HKEY

ValueStr                   &CString

ValueDW                    IT_DWORD

ValueInt64                 LIKE(IT_ULARGE_INT)

ValueBuffer                &STRING !! Used for REG_BINARY, REG_EXPAND_SZ and REG_MULTI_SZ


CloseRegistryKey           Procedure(UNSIGNED pKeyHandle)

EnumRegistrySubKeys        Procedure(UNSIGNED pMasterKey, STRING pRegKey, BYTE  pUseBits=0),LONG,PROC

EnumRegistryValues         Procedure(UNSIGNED pMasterKey, STRING pRegKey, BYTE  pUseBits=0),LONG,PROC

GetRegEx                   Procedure(LONG pRoot, STRING pKeyname, <STRING pValuename>, <*LONG pValuetype>, BYTE  pUseBits=0),ANY

GetValueBufferSize         Procedure(UNSIGNED pKeyHandle, STRING pValuename),LONG

GetValueType               Procedure(UNSIGNED pKeyHandle, STRING pValuename),LONG

OpenRegistryKey            Procedure(UNSIGNED pMasterKey, STRING pRegKey, BYTE  pUseBits=0),UNSIGNED

PutRegEx                   Procedure(LONG pRoot, STRING pKeyname, STRING pValuenameSTRING pValue, <LONG pValuetype>, BYTE  pUseBits=0),STRING

QueryValue                 Procedure(UNSIGNED pKeyHandle, STRING pValueName, LONG pValueType=REG_SZ)


Construct                  Procedure

Destruct                   Procedure


Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/registryclass_overview.htm