www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 11/16/2009    

Shell Class:  ShowFilePropertyWindow

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Prototype: (String pFileName,<String pTab>)


pFileNameFilename to show properties for
pTabOptional name of the tab to show. 


This method shows the "File Properties" window for the pFileName, optionally showing a specified tab.  To select a specific tab you simply use the caption of the tab, i.e. "Compatibility" or "Version"



ITS  ITShellClass


ITS.ShowFilePropertyWindow('C:\Program Files\Icetips Creative\BuildAutomator\BuildAutomator.exe')


Will show this window:




Where as:


ITS.ShowFilePropertyWindow('C:\Program Files\Icetips Creative\BuildAutomator\BuildAutomator.exe','Version')


Will show this window:




Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/showfilepropertywindow_shellclass.htm