www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 7/6/2014    

String Class:  SplitFieldName

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Prototype: (String pFieldName, <*String pPrefix>),String


pFieldNameThe label of the field/column to split
pPrefixOptional string parameter to receive the prefix of the field/column label


ReturnsThe field/column name without prefix


This method takes a field/column label and splits it up into the field/column name and the prefix.  If the pPrefix parameter is not omitted it is assigned to the prefix of the field/column label.



ITS  ITStringClass

Fn   String(20)

Pf   String(5)


Fn = 'MYF:SysID'

Fn = ITS.SplitFieldName(Fn,Pf)


At this point Fn will contain 'MYF' and Fn will contain 'SysID'



See also:



Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/splitfieldname_stringclass.htm