www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 5/7/2015    

String Class:  StringFromLines

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Prototype: (),STRING


ReturnsString from SELF.Lines


This method constructs a string from the Lines queue and returns it.  




ITS  ITStringClass

SQL  CString(1025)


ITS.AddLine('SELECT TOP(1) CAST(MonthStartDateTime AS DATE) AS MonthStartDate',TRUE)

ITS.AddLine('  FROM dbo.PropertyToDo')

ITS.AddLine(' ORDER BY MonthStartDateTime DESC')

SQL = ITS.StringFromLines()


The resulting string will look like this:


SELECT TOP(1) CAST(MonthStartDateTime AS DATE) AS MonthStartDate

FROM dbo.PropertyToDo

ORDER BY MonthStartDateTime DESC


This makes it easy to construct SQL statements for example


See also:



Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/stringfromlines_stringclass.htm