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Xplore for C4/C5!
Created: Thursday, January 15, 1998
Last updated: Monday February 15th 1999
Philosophy. Xplore is intended to enhance the functionality of the standard Clarion BrowseBox of the ABC templates. This is accomplished by populating an extension template that automatically creates and uses the Xplore Class. Requirements, implementation, features, and functions of Xplore are provided below.
Files Required. Files identified below must be placed in the directory indicated.
Directory ...\LIBSRC
XploreRt.INC - Root Class Header File
XploreRt.CLW - Root Class Methods and Properties
Xplore.INC - Xplore Class Header File
Xplore.CLW - Xplore Class Methods and Properties
Xplore.TRN - Translation Link File
XploreEn.TRN - English Translation File
XploreDe.TRN - German (Deutsch) Trans File (Courtesy of Peter Hiemenz)
Directory ...\TEMPLATE
Xplore.TPL - template header file
Xplore.TPW - template wrapper for Xplore
Directory ...\IMAGES
*You must first register the templates in Clarion by going to:
Template Registry
Click on the REGISTER Button
Find the TEMPLATE directory
Select/Open: Xplore.TPL
The Xplore template set contains the following templates:
XploreOOPGlobal Extension Global Extension
XploreOOPBrowse Extension Xplore: Child for Clarion BrowseBox
XploreOOPList Extension Xplore: Parent for Hand-Coded ListBox
XploreOOPListChild Extension Xplore: Child for Hand-coded Listbox
XploreOOPFileDropChild Extension Xplore: Child for File Drop List
To use Xplore capability in any Application the developer must first populate the Application with the Xplore Global extension template (required):
Click on the GLOBAL button
Click on the EXTENSIONS button
Click on the INSERT button
Select XploreOOPGlobal template
(You may leave the options set to default at this time.)
Default settings for use of Xplore within the Application are set on the XploreOOPGlobal template. It is also where the developer decides which Report Pre-viewer to use. The default setting is to use the standard Clarion Pre-viewer. The developer may choose to use either the Pre-veiewer from CPCS (Creative PC Solutions) or the RPM pre-viewer(Lodestar Software). You must possess valid licenses for either product.
Adding Xplore To A Browsebox:
To apply Xplore features, the developer simply adds XploreOOPBrowse as a child extension template to the normal Browse Control Template. This is completed by selecting any procedure that has a Browse-Box populated in it, and:
Click on the PROPERTIES button
Click on the EXTENSIONS button
Select the highlite bar on the 'Browse on File' template
Click on the INSERT button
Select the XploreOOPBrowse template
*Note: Any time you wish to change the browse back to its original standard, you simply delete the Xplore extension template.
Adding Xplore To A Filedrop (View/File Loaded LIST):
The developer may apply Xplore features to a FileDrop control by adding XploreOOPFileDropChild as a child extension template to the normal FileDrop Control Template. (You should make sure that DROP=0 on the LIST control, then it will act just like a normal View/File loaded LIST box.) Adding Xplore to a FileDrop is completed by selecting any procedure that has a FileDrop populated in it, and:
Click on the PROPERTIES button
Click on the EXTENSIONS button
Select the highlite bar on the 'File Loaded Drop Box' template
Click on the INSERT button
Select the XploreOOPFileDropChild template
*Note: Any time you wish to change the FileDrop back to its original standard, you simply delete the extension template.
Adding Xplore To A Hand-Coded LIST Control:
Xplore functionality can be also be applied to hand-coded list control by adding the XploreOOPList extension template and completing options in the dialog presented. The XploreOOPListChild extension template must also be added as a child to the XploreOOPList parent template. NOTE: It is the developer responsibility to create the queue for this LIST control and to provide functions to add data to the queue. Xplore does create or build any data for the hand-coded LIST.
Click on the PROPERTIES button
Click on the EXTENSIONS button
Click on the INSERT button
Select the XploreOOPList template, then
Put the highlite bar on the 'Parent for a Hand-coded Listbox' template
Click on the INSERT button
Select the XploreOOPListChild template
NOTE: Xplore will allow the end-user to display or hide any field that has been formatted in the listbox by the developer AND display or hide any field that has been specified as HOT in the Browse Control Template. Local variables can also be specified here, but, it is the responsibility of the developer to prime the local variable with the computed value from the view field.