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Icetips Article

Templates: Procedure template example
1999-03-21 -- Geoff Bomford
Newsgroups: topspeed.products.c5ee

Editors Note:  Please note that some lines will wrap in the template code.

I think you need to declare it in a 'Default' section.  Here is a section
from a procedure template which demonstrates this technique...

#PROCEDURE(KickOut,'KickOut Inactive Users'),WINDOW,PARENT(Window(ABC))
TimeToKickout     LONG  ! Time left to kickout - GWBKickout Template
KickoutStartTime  LONG  ! time window opened - GWBKickout Template
DisplayTime       LONG  ! Total time window will be displayed - GWBKickout
#DISPLAY('The Kickout Window will automatically close when the user makes a
selection on the frame. You can customize any other ways to close the
#PROMPT('Display Time (in seconds):',SPIN(@N3,0,999,1)),%DisplayTime,PROMPTAT(10)
KickoutStartTime = CLOCK()
DisplayTime = %DisplayTime * 100                  #...
>Hello All:
>Writing a procedure template (pretty straight forward) I cannot seem to
>find how I generate windows structure.  I am able to generate the
>%localdata but no window.    How do I go about this?

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