Par2: Right align in a skeleton
2000-02-03 -- Dan Presnell
It turns out that the cell (column) is formatted by the skeleton. In
TABLE.HTM, beginning with line 45.
If you change line 45 to read:
then you get all the items in a list right aligned. But I have no idea
how to do that conditionally.
Mads Mollegaard adds:
I earlier asked if anyone could help me with this problem, I have 4 columns:
1. the radio button
2. Product number
3. Product text
4. Price
and I needed to right justify the price colomn... and we found out how to do
it just wanted to share it, just in case anyone else has got the same
First line is inserted above the | tag and the | tag is changed to the
second line.... column is the columnnumber -1
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