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Icetips Article

Par2: OLE with Excell
2000-07-06 -- Davor Maric
This sample creates a new Excel worksheet, fills in some data and saves the

  ?ExcelOLE{PROP:ReportException} = True
  ?ExcelOLE{PROP:Create} = 'Excel.Application'
  LOC:App = ?ExcelOLE{'Application'}
  SaveSheets# = ?ExcelOLE{LOC:App & '.SheetsInNewWorkbook'}
  ?ExcelOLE{LOC:App & '.SheetsInNewWorkbook'} = 1
  LOC:WBook = ?ExcelOLE{'Workbooks.Add()'}
  ?ExcelOLE{LOC:App & '.SheetsInNewWorkbook'} = SaveSheets#
  LOC:WSheet = ?ExcelOLE{LOC:WBook & '.Worksheets(1)'}
  ?ExcelOLE{LOC:WSheet & '.Name'} = 'My Sheet'
  ?ExcelOLE{'Visible'} = -1
  ?ExcelOLE{LOC:WSheet & '.Activate'}
  LOOP x# = 1 TO 3
    ?ExcelOLE{LOC:WSheet & '.Cells(1,' & CLIP(x#) & ').Value'} = 'Column ' &
    LOOP y# = 2 TO 10
      ?ExcelOLE{LOC:WSheet & '.Cells(' & CLIP(y#) & ',' & CLIP(x#) &
').Formula'} = '=RAND()*100'
  LOC:FileName = 'C:\Temp\MyXls.xls'
  ?ExcelOLE{'Workbooks(1).SaveAs(' & CLIP(LOC:FileName) & ',,,,,,,,,,)'}
  ?ExcelOLE{LOC:App & '.Quit'}

You have to have an empty OLE container named ?ExcelOLE on your window.

Variables are declared as:
LOC:App              CSTRING(21)
LOC:WBook            CSTRING(21)
LOC:WSheet           CSTRING(21)
LOC:FileName         CSTRING(260)

> Does anybody have an example of using OLE (word, excel)? Trying to
> it out, but just can't get word or execl to open. No buttons to press.

Printed February 18, 2025, 4:37 pm
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