Par2: Make a button a hyperlink 2000-07-12 -- Maria Reumkens Make False a 4: IC:SendPage('http://www.venrite.com', 4) ! 4 = absolute . > TakeFile appears to work ok. He does an IC:sendpage which is the bad guy. > In my code I sent the following and it still comes out with two ' http'. > Cannot see much about IC:sendpage. > IC:SendPage('http://www.venrite.com', False) Gavin Halliday adds: If you're going to use IC:SendPage it should be IC:SendPage('http://www.venrite.com', RPC:AbsRedirect) (See the code in WbBroker.clw(180) for the way it is set up by TakeFile). Printed November 21, 2024, 7:15 am This article has been viewed/printed 35205 times. |