Par2: Notes on logout 2003-12-10 -- Jim Kane By it's nature logout is designed for all or none so breaking it up is not a good answer. My "solution" is to let the logout take as long as it has to and if a 2nd use comes along and logout fails, display a window telling the user, there is going to be a little wait and they can cancel if they want. Jim Kane logoutfailed=false logout(.1......) if errorcode() then logoutfailed=true open(waitwindow) display() accept case event() of event:timer 0{prop:timer}=0 logout(.1,.....) if errorcode()=logoutalreadyactive then cycle. if ~errorcode() then logoutworked=true post(event:closewindow) cycle end 0{prop:timer}=100 of event:accepted !cancel button 0{prop:timer}=0 logoutfailed=true post(event:closewindow) end end close(waitwindow) if logoutfailed then !abort and the user did it end end !continue with file IO When I wrote a class to do the above, I remember having to fool arround with the code so the button would work and cancel but finally got a good balance between the timer and the logout attempt length. Printed November 21, 2024, 11:55 am This article has been viewed/printed 35215 times. |