` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

Par2: Decimal to Fraction
2004-05-03 -- Geoff Robinson
VitCreateFraction    FUNCTION (p:Str)             
! Written by Geoff Robinson, Vitesse Information Systems P/L, vitesse@mira.net
! Date: 4 May 2004
! - Assumes passed string holds ONLY digits and decimal point
! Feel free to use at own risk!
L:Len       LONG,AUTO
temp        LONG,AUTO
u           LONG,AUTO
v           LONG,AUTO
Numerator   LONG
Denominator LONG,AUTO
WholeNumber STRING(20)


    p:Str = left(p:Str)
    L:Len = len(clip(p:Str))
    if ~L:Len then return(''). !blank string passed

    temp = instring('.',p:Str,1,1) !find the decimal point - some countries may use a
    if temp > 1 then WholeNumber = p:Str[1 : temp - 1].  ! get whole number

    if temp and temp < L:Len 
        Numerator = p:Str[temp + 1 : L:Len] ! get decimal fraction digits for the

    if ~Numerator then return(clip(WholeNumber)).  ! no decimal fraction to work with eg.

    Denominator = '1' & all('0',L:Len - temp)  ! get the initial denominator

    v = Numerator
    u = Denominator

    !get the greatest common divisor based on Euclid's algorithm
        u = u % v
        if ~u then break.
        temp = u
        u = v
        v = temp

    return(choose(WholeNumber <> 0,clip(WholeNumber) & ' ','') & Numerator/v & '/' &

Printed June 2, 2024, 7:00 am
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