Par2: Using CHAIN.COM in XP 2004-06-03 -- Francis Vleeracker > Has anyone ever gotten CHAIN to work under XP? Yes,with no problems at all. There are other problems : Environment() doesn't work You will certainly need to clean most of the environment variable (Set xxx=) otherwise there will be not enough memory. This kind : @ECHO OFF @CLS SET ALLUSERSPROFILE= SET APPDATA= SET CLIENTNAME= SET CommonProgramFiles= SET COMPUTERNAME= SET HOMEDRIVE= SET HOMEPATH= SET LOGONSERVER= SET NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS= SET OS= SET PATHEXT= SET PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE= SET PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER= SET PROCESSOR_LEVEL= SET PROCESSOR_REVISION= SET ProgramFiles= SET SESSIONNAME= REM SET SystemDrive= REM SET SystemRoot= SET TEMP= SET TMP= SET USERDOMAIN= SET USERNAME= SET USERPROFILE= SET windir= chain mymenu Printed November 23, 2024, 2:07 am This article has been viewed/printed 35218 times. |