Par2: Getting Errorcode from ABC method 2004-06-07 -- Carl Sumner (In C55) 1. The Errorcode is often lost due to the Filemanager doing other calls before returning. 2. There is another call that has a saved copy of Errorcode, "FileManager.GetError". 3. The Filename is sometimes not filled in correctly. There is a patch on this newsgroup for this. 4. If you use "Try" methods, as you should, you must Throw (show) any other errors that occur or they will not be seen. I use something like this: ------------------------------------- RetVal = Access:HCOMINV.TryFetch(COM:NVITMidx) IF RetVal = Level:Benign THEN !Do something ELSIF Access:HCOMINV.GetError() = 0 THEN !Msg:AbortReading !Done, do something else ELSE !Error GlobalErrors.ThrowFile(Access:HCOMINV.GetError(),'Fetch Error on HCOMINV') ThisWindow.Response = RequestCompleted ReturnValue = Level:Fatal END ------------------------------------- Printed November 21, 2024, 10:41 am This article has been viewed/printed 35225 times. |