` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

Par2: Setting Connection String programmatically
2006-02-22 -- J Shankar
> When using the "Microsoft SQL" driver with clarion 6.3 what should be put in 
> the following fields of the "Edit Table Properties" of the data dictionary
>     1) Driver options
>     2) Owner name
>     3) Path Name
> Where can I find the documentation on this and for other database drivers

    1) Driver options - Any driver option supported by the driver
    2) Owner name     - Database Connect String
    3) Path Name      - Owner.TableName

Example :


  GLO:Server            = GETINI('Connection','Server','(local)','.\TELAPPR.INI')
  GLO:Database          = GETINI('Connection','Database','******','.\TELAPPR.INI')
  GLO:DbUser            = GETINI('Connection','DbUser','******','.\TELAPPR.INI')
  GLO:DbPWord           = GETINI('Connection','DbPWord','******','.\TELAPPR.INI')
  GLO:Trusted           = GETINI('Connection','Trusted','N','.\TELAPPR.INI')
  GLO:SQL_DriverOptions = GETINI('Connection','DriverOptions','','.\TELAPPR.INI')
  IF GLO:Trusted = 'Y'
     GLO:SQL_ConnectString = CLIP(GLO:Server) & ',' & CLIP(GLO:Database) & ';APP=TELAPPR'
     GLO:SQL_DriverOptions = '/LOGONSCREEN=False,/TRUSTEDCONNECTION=True' & 
CHOOSE(GLO:SQL_DriverOptions <> '',',' & CLIP(GLO:SQL_DriverOptions),'')
     GLO:SQL_DriverOptions = '/LOGONSCREEN=False,/TRUSTEDCONNECTION=False' & 
CHOOSE(GLO:SQL_DriverOptions <> '',',' & CLIP(GLO:SQL_DriverOptions),'')

Printed January 31, 2025, 2:47 pm
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