Par2: Distance between two zip codes (longitude/latitude method) 2009-04-10 -- David Bratovich point1_lat REAL point1_long REAL point2_lat REAL point2_long REAL RADIUS_ LONG PI_ REAL DEG_PER_RAD_ REAL DISTANCE_ REAL somewhere in your code... point1_lat = 33.658179 !92718 IRVINE CA point1_long = 117.711476 point2_lat = 38.875939 !20024 WASHINGTON DC point2_long = 77.016028 do calc_distance CALC_DISTANCE ROUTINE RADIUS_ = 3958 !Earth's radius (miles) PI_ = 3.1415926 DEG_PER_RAD_ = 57.29578 !Number of degrees/radian (for conversion) DISTANCE_ = (RADIUS_*PI_*SQRT((POINT1_LAT - POINT2_LAT)*(POINT1_LAT - POINT2_LAT)+COS(POINT1_LAT/DEG_PER_RAD_)*COS(POINT2_LAT/DEG_PER_RAD_)*(POINT1_LONG - POINT2_LONG)*(POINT1_LONG - POINT2_LONG))/180) MESSAGE('Distance = '& DISTANCE_ & ' Miles') You can get a database of Zipcode Lat/Long on the net. Printed December 3, 2024, 11:56 am This article has been viewed/printed 35249 times. |