` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

Par2: Put watermark on all reports
2010-01-14 -- Graham Dawson
Open up the template registry and look at the DEFAULTs for the entry 

Report - Generic Reporting Procedure

under Class ABC - Procedures (or the similar one in the Legacy template set)
If you scroll down to the section that starts:-

NAME DefaultABCReportA4Portrait

You'll get the idea - there is a #DEFAULT for each of the entries you see 
when you start a Procedure selecting Report as the type.

All you need to do is a one or more extra DEFAULTs with your custom FORM 
section added to the starting report definition.
Best bet is to create the required watermark on a 'bare' report and export 
the procedure to TXA - then use the REPORT definition as a guide when adding 
your new default.

I mean THE template registry ie (with no APP open) main Clarion menu 
'Setup' - 'Template Registry'.
Then open the relevant template chaing (ABC or Clarion) and go to the 
'Procedures' - Report - Generic Reporting Procedure'
This is the template that runs when you chose 'Report' as the Procedure type 
when starting a new procedure.
If you add extra cutomised DEFAULT sections to this (with your watermark or 
other modifications) then the new 'starting points' will be listed in the 
available report types when you begin a procedure.

So if you copy the existing default for A4 Portrait and amend as follows:-

NAME CustomDefaultReportA4Portrait
DESCRIPTION 'A reporting procedure (A4-Portrait) - Custom Watermark'
FROM Clarion Report


and change the FORM section to include your watermark

          IMAGE('LOGO.BMP'...etc etc !copy from TXA to be sure you get it 

Then when you create a new procedure using Procedure - New you'll see an 
additional entry in the available starting points.

Steve Parker notes:
You could also do this in \libscr\defaults.clw

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