Clarion Environment (IDE etc.): Controling where generated files are placed 2003-08-09 -- Arnor Baldvinsson Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion Editors note: Please note that the lines in the code will wrap. >How can I have my created Obj files go to seperate folders? If I can't do >this then each time I switch apps to work on everything will be recompiled. > >Second question - I split my app into multiple dlls so now of course I have >a lot of generated CLW and INC files. Is it possible to have these created >into another folder rather than my app folder. I use the REDirection file to do all of that stuff. It works for everything except ABC compliant *.inc files they must be in the LibSrc directory. Here is my entire 5.5 RED file. Everything that is generated, is put into subdirectories under the app directory and all those directories start with "z-" that way it is very easy to locate them and very easy to delete all generated files, including object files, to completely re-generate. Note that some of the lines will wrap. I'm putting this up on Icetips too for future reference:) -- Default Redirection for Clarion 5 ; This is c55ee-ab.red file [Debug16] *.obj=.\z-obj16 *.res=.\z-obj16 *.rsc=.\z-obj16 *.dbd=.\z-obj16 [Release16] *.obj=.\z-obj16\release *.res=.\z-obj16\release *.rsc=.\z-obj16\release [Debug32] *.obj=.\z-obj32\debug *.res=.\z-obj32\debug\resource *.rsc=.\z-obj32\debug\resource ; %ROOT%\obj32 ; %ROOT%\lib *.lib=.\z-lib; [Release32] *.obj=.\z-obj32\release *.res=.\z-obj32\release\resource *.rsc=.\z-obj32\release\resource ; %ROOT%\obj32 ; %ROOT%\lib *.lib=.\z-lib; [Common] CPC55L16.RSC=%ROOT%\LIB DEFAULTS.CLW=%ROOT%\CPCS550 *.clw=.\z-clw ; .\ClassFiles; %ROOT%\libsrc; %ROOT%\3RDPARTY\LibSrc *.inc=.\z-inc; .\ClassFiles; %ROOT%\libsrc; %ROOT%\3RDPARTY\LibSrc; %ROOT%\libsrc\Icetips ; Image files *.ico=.\icons; .\z-icons ;. ; %ROOT%\images ; %ROOT%\template; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images;%_UTDIR_%\ICO;%_UTDIR_%\ICO; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images\ITThemes; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images\GSThemes *.gif=.\images ;.\z-images ;. ;.\z-icons; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images;%_UTDIR_%;%_UTDIR_%; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images\ITThemes; %ROOT%\template\ITPro; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images\GSThemes; C:\Clarion\C55\3rdparty\Images *.jpg=.\images ;.\z-images ;. ;.\z-icons; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images\ITThemes; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images\GSThemes *.bmp=.\images ;.\z-images ;. ;.\z-icons; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images\ITThemes; %ROOT%\3rdParty\images\GSThemes; %ROOT%\3rdparty\Images; %ROOT%\3rdparty\Template ; Generated files *.b1$=.\z-backup *.bct=.\z-backup *.bpp=.\z-backup *.$$$=.\z-backup *.shp=.\z-source *.lnk=.\z-source *.exp=.\z-source *.map=.\z-source *.dll=.;%ROOT%\bin ; %ROOT%\3rdparty\Bin ; Template files *.tp?=%ROOT%\template; %ROOT%\template\ITWiz; %ROOT%\template\ITMagic; %ROOT%\template\ITPro ; %ROOT%\template\ITRep ; %ROOT%\template\ITPrev ; %ROOT%\template\ITCCS; %ROOT%\template\ITXplore; %ROOT%\template\Arnor;%ROOT%\CPCS550\ABC;%ROOT%\CPCS550\2003; %ROOT%\3rdParty\template; %ROOT%\template\ITExt; %ROOT%\template\dct2sql *.trf=.\z-trf;%ROOT%\template *.txs=%ROOT%\template *.stt=%ROOT%\template *.*=.; %ROOT%\examples; %ROOT%\libsrc; %ROOT%\images; %ROOT%\template; %ROOT%\convsrc; %ROOT%\3rdparty\Images;%ROOT%\CPCS550;%ROOT%\CPCS550\IMAGES ;%ROOT%\3rdparty\LibSrc; %ROOT%\SUPER\IMAGES *.lib=.\z-lib; %ROOT%\lib; %ROOT%\3rdparty\Lib *.obj=%ROOT%\lib *.res=%ROOT%\lib *.RSC=\3RDPARTY\Rsc *.FM2=%ROOT%\3RDPARTY\Libsrc *.cur=%ROOT%\3rdParty\images *.trn= %ROOT%\3RDPARTY\LibSrc; %ROOT%\libsrc; %ROOT%\libsrc\Icetips Platinum.hlp=%_UTDIR_% UT*.TP*=%_UTDIR_% UT*.TRN=%_UTDIR_% *.WMF=C:\Clarion\C55\3rdparty\Images *.TXA=C:\Clarion\C55\3rdparty\LibSrc *.WAV=C:\Clarion\C55\3rdparty\WavFiles *.h=C:\Clarion\C55\3rdParty\LibSrc\Api Best regards, ArnĂ³r Baldvinsson Icetips Software San Antonio, Texas, USA www.icetips.com arnor@icetips.com Subscribe to information from Icetips.com: http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php Printed November 21, 2024, 6:53 am This article has been viewed/printed 35372 times. Google search has resulted in 83 hits on this article since January 25, 2004. |