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Icetips Article

ABC: Code to use FileManger to add to DOS files with bytecount
1999-02-23 -- Jim Kane
Newsgroups: TopSpeed.Topic.Suggestions

> On the other hand, if someone can show me how to derive a new
> FileManager class that supports writing variable-length records, I'd be
> grateful.

Press global, embeds, global objects, go to the hide:access class for the
file your interested in pick the insert method and write your own code for
insert with a bytecount.  You might have to create a global variable to
pass the bytecount if you dont want to change abfile.clw/inc to add a
omittable parameter which would be my choice.  Just end you code with
return and the LIMITED abc code will never be called.

You could also open abfile.inc and add your own insert method with an
additional parameter. Due to mangling its different from the std insert
call. You could then open abfile.clw and add your code there at the end. I
would be quite easy then to copy to a new version of abfile when new
versions are released.  This would make it easier if this has to be done
for many files or in many of your apps.

Jim Kane

Printed December 3, 2024, 11:15 am
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