ABC: EIP using drop downs 1999-03-31 -- Jay Guengerich Newsgroups: topspeed.products.c5ee Bob Gaucher posted a message back in January which I think is already in your KB, along with a short follow-up post from Steve Parker. The subject was FileDropCombo in EditInPlace. I basically followed his example, although I just used the EditDropList class because I don't want my users to be able to add new items to the list. I didn't have to worry about CREATEing a DropCombo, or putting new entries back into NameQ or the Names file. The only important code I added is after all of the PROP:whatever assignments using his variable names): CurrentlyUsed = 1 GET(NameQ,CurrentlyUsed) LOOP UNTIL ERRORCODE() OR NameQ.Name = PEO:Name CurrentlyUsed += 1 GET(NameQ,CurrentlyUsed) END SELECT(SELF.FEQ, CurrentlyUsed) This might not be optimized, as discussed in Steve Parker's message. Also, I had to add the following before filling the queue: Access:Names.UseFile() !tells lazyopen to open the file Printed November 23, 2024, 3:32 am This article has been viewed/printed 35387 times. Google search has resulted in 12 hits on this article since January 25, 2004. |