ABC: TakeRecord updated docs from TS (C5) 2000-12-31 -- John Broadwater There were 2 problems with the TakeRecord topic in the App Handbook. First, we moved the TakeRecord method to the ProcessClass (after the AH went to the printer). Second, there was a cut&paste typo as you indicated. Here is the update TakeRecord doc--a ProcessClass method. TakeRecord, VIRTUAL, PROC The TakeRecord method is a virtual placeholder to process each record in the result set. It returns a value indicating whether processing should continue or should stop. TakeRecord returns Level:Benign to indicate processing should continue normally; it returns Level:Notify to indicate processing is completed and should stop. Implementation: The ReportManager.TakeWindowEvent method calls the TakeRecord method for each report record. For a report, the TakeRecord method typically implements any DETAIL specific filters and PRINTs the unfiltered DETAILs for the ReportManager. For a process, the TakeRecord method typically implements any needed record action for the Process. Return Data Type: BYTE Example: ThisWindow.TakeRecord PROCEDURE() CODE IF ORD:Date = TODAY() PRINT(RPT:detail) END RETURN Level:Benign See Also: ReportManager.TakeWindowEvent -- John Broadwater Printed November 21, 2024, 11:10 am This article has been viewed/printed 35385 times. Google search has resulted in 9 hits on this article since January 25, 2004. |