Windows API: Getting the handle of Clarion icons
2004-01-10 -- Dennis E Evans
Newsgroups: sv.clarion.language
Hi all,
"Randy Rogers" wrote in message
> I need to use the LoadImage (or LoadIcon) api call to get the handle of an
> icon used on a control. This all works well when the icon is _NOT_ one of
> the internally defined icons (the ones in EQUATES.clw). When the control
> uses one of the internal icons, like ICON:HAND, prop:icon returns the
> identified in equates.clw. How do I use these internal icon values with
> api call like LoadImage or LoadIcon?
Parse the string and get the values in the last two positions, 02, 7F is
an example,
Swap those two values 7F02 and use that as the parameter to LoadIcon, leave
the instance number null. That will get the predefined icons and cursors
used by windows, see msdn for a list. The other icons from clarion you
might be able to get with the value and instance number but I have never
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