Clarion in general: Who What and Where
2002-08-27 -- Russell B. Eggen
Newsgroups: softvelocity.products.c55ee
I use this code to play with. It will wrap:
IF ?Browse:5{PROPLIST:MouseDownRow} = 0 AND ?Browse:5{PROPLIST:MouseDownField} <> 0
!Check for click in header and group header
LOC:Who = WHO(Queue:5,?Browse:5{PROPLIST:MouseDownField})
!Gets the field name
LOC:What = WHAT(Queue:5,?Browse:5{PROPLIST:MouseDownField})
!Gets the field value
LOC:Where = WHERE(Queue:5,WHAT(Queue:5,?Browse:5{PROPLIST:MouseDownField}))
!Gets the ordinal number of field
LOC:Who is a STRING(40)
LOC:What is a CSTRING(100)
LOC:Where is a LONG
Russ Eggen
"Ian Holdsworth" wrote in message
Hi Everyone
I am trying add userdefinable output to a database using the Who, What &
Where functions.
Who: Works perfectly.
Where: Doesn't like being passed a variable string for the second parameter
(The field your looking for). It always returns zero even when passed the
results of the Who function. Not a problem I have a workaround for that
What: This is where I am having the real problems. It only ever seems to
return the name of the field not the contents
! lcl:field now = 'data:lastname'
! fieldno# now =4
!lcl:FieldContents now = 'data:lastname'
Anybody got any Idea's?
Ian Holdsworth
Senior Programmer / Assistant IT Manager
Response Analysis & Mailing Ltd
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