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Icetips Article

Clarion in general: Pre-populating HTML form from client side
2003-02-02 -- Jtdunn01740@attbi.com (john Dunn)
Newsgroups: softvelocity.products.c55ee

>I have a ASP that displays an order form for the user to fill out.
>Currently it is mainly static (except for a server side include). The
>user gets to it by clicking a Buy link on my web site.
>I would like to have a my Clarion program that is running on the
>user's PC be able to do ShellExecute to start the default web browser
>(over 90% of my visitors are using Internet Explorer), navigate to
>this asp page, and prefill some of the fields on the form with
>information that the Clarion program already has (like name, address,
>which licenses they want to buy, etc.).
>I have the following constraints (with good reasons):
> - No cookies
> - None of the information can come from a database on the web server
> - Must work with user's primary web browser (typically Internet Explorer)
> - ASP page must be able to handle navigation from within the web site
>   (form initializes with blank fields) as well as defaults being supplied
>   from client PC (form initializes with some fields pre-filled).
> - May need to pass more data than can fit in a single URL
>One idea is for the Clarion program to create a dummy html file on the
>PC which contains a form with hidden fields set to the values I want
>to send to the ASP file on the web server (which will display those
>values in the real form). But I'm stuck at how I would get the web
>browser to automatically submit the dummy form without requiring the
>user to click a submit button.

This may not be exactly what you need but here is some code that I use
to populate a tracking number on a web page:


TrackPackage                ROUTINE
 WebBrowser  = CREATE(0,CREATE:OLE)
 WebBrowser{PROP:Create} = 'InternetExplorer.Application'
 WebBrowser{'Visible'}   = True
 UrlString  = 'http://www.your_url/your.html'

 WebBrowser{'Navigate(' & CLIP(UrlString) & ')'}

! Waiting until page loaded

 StartTime = CLOCK()
   IF WebBrowser{'ReadyState'} = 4 THEN BREAK.
   IF CLOCK() - StartTime > 1000 THEN BREAK. ! 10 seconds
 END ! loop

! Fill fields

 WebBrowser{'Document.forms("SearchForm").SearchField.Value'} =



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